The cards have small monthly service fees. At least two of them do. The company takes care of putting something small on them for me.
OneMain Financial. Not sure if they're only local or not, but I went in, took about 10 minutes to get approved, and it was a done deal.
Absolutely change your habits. I ended up just cutting mine up so I wouldn't use them. I'll keep the accounts active, since I'm 24 and they are the longest running accounts on my credit report, but I won't use them.
I literally just did this earlier this week. I'm on an income of under 25k per year, and had $2,000 in debt across 3 credit cards. My interest rates were outrageous. Luckily, I had a great payment history, so my credit score was still decent. By taking out the loan, it cut my rates in half, and my payments down to…
For as often as we'd use it, maybe once or twice a month, I don't forsee that being too much of an issue.
This would have helped me about 8 or 9 years ago.... I still can't believe how some people are still so biggoted.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I just showed my boss and we're thinking about implementing this immediately for our nation wide trainings for our website. This is awesome.
Let's all take a moment of silence for our lost friend.
I fail to see how having your papers ready before the cop reaches the door and keeping your hands visible when he is there is a "brilliant way to get shot."
I always make sure to have my license, registration, and insurance in hand before the cop even gets to the door. It makes me look prepared, and actually boosts confidence because you don't have to fumble around in your glove box looking for it. You can be "Johnny on the spot" with it. ALWAYS be polite and say…
In EMS, it's not uncommon for me to work 100+ hours a week, but I get a massive amount of overtime for it.
People posted pictures representing the companies for the nominations. This was a poll for the people, by the people
I don't think I've ever not built my own computer, and with the dawn of widespread water cooling a few years back, I love it. I don't do it just because it's cheap, but the single (or dual) pump is often more electrically efficient then using the fans, and it sure as hell moves heat better. For me, computers can be…
Oh. Misread. Download the APK, put it on a computer, then use USB or bluetooth to transfer to disconnected phone, then install.
Mopping, wiping machines, making sure bathrooms are decent, cleaning mirrors, and emptying trash. It's not difficult at all, and it saves me SOOOO much money. The gym isn't that big, or no, it wouldn't be worth it. It's cleaned every day, and Fridays are a light day since people with social lives aren't working…
Hey, it saves me money, and only takes an hour. That averages to 22.50 per hour. Not too shabby.
Something I did to save money at the gym, and my membership is actually free, is to offer to help clean it once a week. Now, every Friday, I clean the gym, and my membership and trainer (through the gym) is completely free, so I'm saving about 90$ per month on a 24/7 gym with tanning and training.
I NEVER pay for apps, but I'd be willing to throw down some dough for this.