
I was going to read it, to see what the hype was about, but couldn’t even get past an excerpt.

What do you guys want? Do you want quotas? Do you want rigidly enforced diversity?

yeah, pretty high key not into this

This. Was a crime against fashion. And it's Chanel.

As a teenager I loved it but by the time I hit my twenties I realized what a shitty friend Carrie was; always ditching her friends to meet up with Big or some other annoying guy. And she was so embarrassingly bad with money for someone in their 30's that it was actually offensive.

I’m completely fine with the very real possibility that I will live out the rest of my life having never watched this video.

Alternately, there will be two prequels with sub-mediocre scripts and starring Shailene Woodley. They’ll underperform, and Hollywood will take it as a sign that there’s not really a demand for movies with female leads.

Both Adele and Taylor have refused to put their music on streaming services because they claim art has value and should be paid for. That principled stand gets thrown out the window when posting videos (which are art which should have value) even though those videos are available for free to watchers. They aren’t

I know I’m not a climate change refugee...just a middle class homeowner that changes like that could bankrupt or cause to take on even more debt to make unnecessary changes (yay!). Hardly minor adjustments.

Ed Sheeran is embarrassing af but maroon 5 is fucking awful and why don't people recognize that.

is it bad that I’m just actively rooting against Taylor to win any awards at this point? Her and fucking Ed Sheeran. Also Maroon 5. Always Maroon 5. somebody throw them together in a Hunger Games arena.


“Busy outdoing each other” or busy out doing each other??

Coldplay is playing the Super Bowl

Such pretentious crap! I could care less if anyone can see my pussy (I think they mean camel toe. Unless you don’t wear panties under your lulumons). Make sure to get a brazilian since your pubic hair will stick out if you are not wearing panties and you will have hairymons instead of lulumons :))

Fuck! I can’t belize that!

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart/The very next day, the transplant failed and you died...

Put your thumb over one half of her face, and then the other. It’s like two entirely different people and I can’t understand what is happening.

Damn! I did nazi that coming!

We love Jennifer Lawrence but hate the falling.