John 6:55
John 6:55
Been holding my tongue on this subject for a while, but I gotta say it - it’s incredibly aggravating to hear multimillionaires complaining about the wage gap without alluding to how it affects us “commonfolk”. Some celebrities make a vague reference recognizing that they’re privileged, some say that it’s an issue that…
After Bad Blood I think I hit my Taylor Swift limit. I was meh about her and then that video came out. It’s like the Michael Bay of all music videos - chock full of cameos, unnecessary explosions, fancy CGI, and yet absolutely no point.
Can someone knowledgeable about these things please explain to me how she never has roots? Her head has literally never been seen with even a shadow of growout and I want to understand.
Let’s let my muse and goddess, Miss Janet Jackson, help us out here:
I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.
I like this gal more and more every day. She’s really impressing me with her using her odd celebrity brand to affect positive change instead of only making bank.
So who should we fly? Not Americsn, not United...
Naked lips NEVER. Out = lipstick or gloss. Home = tube of balm in living room, on desk, on bedside table, under pillow.
milk was a bad choice.
give it time
I don’t know... she already used Shake it Off...
Having spent several years in food service, mostly hauling sizzling fajita plates around, I can honestly say I fantasized many, MANY times about dropping one of those plates in a customer’s lap. The difference, though, is that I DIDN’T. Jesus, lady.
I think it’s like anytime a person finds something new and exciting. My friends sure got tired of me talking about Twin Peaks, dragging them up to Snoqualmie Falls to see the filming locations from the pilot, and forcing them to watch every other David Lynch movie. Then I got over the initial excitement, and I swear…
Is matte paint on cars a thing in any other area besides LA/Orange County? Because that shit is ugly. Also, there are cars here (Orange County) that have like special extra shiny top coats so they look like that weird plastic wrapping paper
Word. I just watched a video of an elephant mom whose newborn calf wasn’t breathing, so she kicked it gently and massaged it with her trunk util it picked its head up and took a breath.