
My best friend in the whole world is a woman who’s mother committed suicide 20 years ago. There is not a single day that goes by that my friend doesn’t think about her mom. Holidays are especially hard for her. And it;s been two decades.

Jeff definitely needs more representation around here. I can only do so much.

Yeah-she found out that the 90 percent he got on his 7th grade algebra test in 1997 (that she’s kept lovingly on the fridge their whole marriage) was achieved by looking at Ricky Johnson’s paper. She’s heartbroken but mostly she’s disappointed.

Aside from a few episodes of Glee I saw, I haven’t seen her in anything. All I know of her is internet stories I’ve read, thousands of pictures I’ve seen of her, and countless interviews on bullshit like Access Hollywood and ET. That’s what formed my opinion of her, and I cannot stand her. Then again, I am a massive

I dislike Lea Michele, but I have no good reason for it.

I know, I’m having a hard time with it lately and each time we see each other I feel it makes it harder to say goodbye *sigh*

WHUT that’s awesome!

I met my husband online ten years ago. We had a LDR for about 4 years before I moved in with him and here we are. If you feel it, it’s worth it. It’ll be a distant memory before you know it.

Hey everyone. I feel so lame for being so excited about SNS. I’m really lonely :( My husband travels for work every weekend and I don’t really have any local friends, so I spend a lot of time alone. I’m glad this happens every week. <3 you all.

Has anyone cooked anything really exciting recently? I desperately need some new recipes!

Would love advice, and/or your favorite songs/movies/whatever about long distance relationships.

Long distance relationships suck...

You know what’s strange about my old’s making me LIKE crappy pop music. I’m going to a Maroon 5 show in a couple months, I OWN a Selena Gomez song, and I don’t change the station when that Jonas boy’s music plays. WTF?! Do you think I'm dying???

I will probably get ridden out of town on the rails for this, but I don’t like Beyoncé. Her whole persona is so polished and curated that any statements that she makes, be they musically, socially, ect...ect...comes of to me as contrived and insincere. Plus her music is so-so. I will take Peaches over Beyoncé any day.

Am I the only person who hates all this Beyonce worship?

Hey all! It’s a delightfully quiet Saturday night here. I don’t have a query for SNS this week though. Instead, I’d just like thank all of you delightful divas and weirdos for being my online family. I’m so goddamn grateful for your friendship and support!

Oh, the American system is not perfection either - I argued that point a million times during the Amanda Knox mess. But Italy’s anti-science stance in court and acceptance of Satanic theories, psychics, and all that is still pretty weird.

Shockingly enough: Princess Diaries. At the time it was down to her and Helen Mirren for the part.


I will not judge someone for how they heal what others broke. She's not hurting anyone. I wish her well.