
Guess they weren’t Madesowell.

I hated that guy who from what I can remember was only in charge of telling them their scores were good/bad/awful & reading some comments to them. He was annoying.

Strapping contraband snacks to my body. NACHOS IN MY BRA.

I haven’t watched an entire season in years, but nothing - NOTHING - beats settling down with an episode of ANTM, an entire pizza, and some buffalo wings when you’ve had a crappy day. I’d say I do it at least 2 times a cycle.

“I chose to spend MY money at YOUR store so grovel at my feet peasants and present me with special gifts.”


The last round trip flight I had with them both times I missed connecting flights because they couldn’t find the pilot and then they were filling out paperwork. I got stranded overnight both times. Then they didn’t want to offer me a flight until 5pm the following day. I told them to fuck right off demanded a refund

Fuck frontier airlines. I used to have a rectangular shaped suitcase. Thanks to them, it is now an oddly smooshed, trapezoidal suitcase that won’t close correctly. That and I’ve every time I’ve flown with them I’ve missed my connecting flight because they’re incapable of taking off within an hour of scheduled flight

I’ve never had anything stolen out of my luggage and I always fly southwest domestic because of miles. Never put anything valuable in your check in though. Anything of any value gets put in my carryon which is why I’ve probably not had the problem.

Good to know, I’m looking for cheap flights to DC for next month and was seriously considering Frontier. Southwest lets you check two bags, is this a good idea or will I just lose two bags worth of my stuff?

That’s not culture, that’s ignorance.

You know, I think someone has to be first. I’m not saying Caitlyn Jenner is the first transgendered athlete or famous person or anything. But she’s been just about the most visible. She herself has acknowledged her privilege, and she is using it for good. I think she is doing a lot of positive stuff in terms of

Imagine if David Miscavige uploaded his entire Scientology file to Scribd!

Ashley Dillon, get it the fuck together. That cat does not look like Barack Obama.

But she’s not a RealFeminist! Because *arglebargaleblahblahargle* I said so!

Of course there is immediate hate for her I’m a feminist statement because she didn’t go far enough. She’s damned if she does she’s damned if she doesn’t. This climate is worse than the PC’dom of the late 90’s early ot’s. It’s the micromanagement of dissection and it’s happening everywhere. Like the article last week

okay I wear hoop earrings still but in my defense yes I am v tacky

Do I think he smokes weed, drinks beer, hangs out and plays video games with his friends all day long? Yes.”