Aww. Sour grapes. It’s a fist bump with sparkles on either side of it. I’m pretty liberal with the fist bumps, but I only add sparkles when I mean business. Since you can’t see it, I would say that the verbal representation of ‘fist bump w sparkles’ in this scenario would be something like...
I just flew this past weekend and got free peanuts AND pretzels. CAN IT POSSIBLY GET ANY BETTER.
that’s fucking hysterical. the shirts, i mean, not your crisis.
What the shit is wrong with my state. Hopefully this changes, but right now it’s trending towards yes.
I am judging all of you, other Colordians.
*this does not mean we should fuck them
get the fuck out fp
im not gunna fuck him but he is both swag and gentlemanly classiness incarnate
He has an intelligent look in his eye. Gorillas aren’t my cup of tea sexually, but if they were I’d go for this one because I’m turned on by intelligence.
I have long had the theory that the Japanese people are possibly aliens in disguise. Like they are trying to blend in with us lower life forms but their social shit is always jyst a bit off. This merely confirms my theory.
I failed this quiz by picking the less attractive gorilla. So if you are an average to ugly gorilla and you want to hang out, text me.
How do they already have shirts... damn it, I’m old too!
I was just in hot topic about 30 min ago (long story....never going back if possible but I needed something very specific) and they had a shirt that said “shabani wouldn’t look at you” and I thought “man I really AM old. I have no idea what that means”.
What the fuck is happening.
That little girl. So wise and so adorable.
“It’s really hard when you see people without homes, and money to buy food and .. that they could possibly die from that,” MY NEW HERO.
What?? No, it is way harder to be ghosted than to do the ghosting. The ghoster is in control of the scenario; the ghostee is in the ghoster’s (metaphoric) hands, running around wondering what the hell they did wrong when really the fault is that the ghoster does not know how to communicate clearly with someone or take…