
Hmm, I mean OkCupid is free, so it’s low risk in that way. I met my boyfriend on there! And my best friend met her husband on there! When it comes to online dating, especially the free sites, I almost always say go for it! You’re not obligated to reply to anyone you’re not interested in, and you never know what will

AWWW! She’s adorable! Basset puppies are sooo cute! My ex-boyfriend had two and their ears were so long they would trip on them.

I felt SOOOO weird for not being into this show! It’s like, I’m no stranger to tragic shit when it comes to entertainment (two of my favorite books are by Victor Hugo ffs) but GoT was such a downer to me! It’s like, nothing good ever happens to anyone, ever? And people are being maimed and raped left and right? I just

Glad you made the choice to get the headphones! It looks absolutely perfect now :D

LOVE your nose ring. It’s beautiful there!! Enjoy!!!


I have two best friends! One now lives in London with her husband. She and I met when we were four, she lived on the hill behind my house. We were playing in the field between our houses and she got a bloody nose so we went back to her house to clean it up.

They are one of the VERY few things I know how to make! I cut off the end/root thingie, cut them in half vertically, drizzle on olive oil and salt and pepper. Put them close to each other on the pan, pop ‘em in the oven for about twenty minutes on 400/425 (depending on how fast I want them done). That shit’s good! Try

Back to School Night is the WORST. Parents are like “I’m Jeremy’s mom, how’s he doing?” IT’S THE FIFTH DAY OF SCHOOL I DON’T KNOW WHO JEREMY IS.

Why doesn’t he heal his black eye?

Yay! I love soup! I am going to have to check that book out, thanks :)

Another late bloomer here! I “lost my virginity” (that phrase feels so weird...) when I was your age. You’re right, some people are weird about it. I definitely had a few guys stop seeing me when they found out I was still a virgin, but I figure if someone’s going to be such a douche over a decision I made that had

I second maelana about the cardigan thing. I also wear a lot of high-waisted skirts that are about knee length (dresses too!)

These are not answers I have, however, I do have one dark hair that grows on the bottom of my chin. Just this one little spike of hair that I regularly check for. My chin will be smooth one day then BAM the next I’ll have this little mother fucker a quarter of an inch long.

Calling all culinary Jezzies!

I met Raven Symone once back in like, 2002 when I was eleven. I’d won a trip to Disney World off Radio Disney (they hooked it the fuck UP, let me tell you) and part of the prize was watching the Christmas parade being recorded and meeting Raven afterwards. She signed my CD of hers that I’d brought and took pictures

It’s a shame this is buried down here.

I will shop Target juniors til I die.

I do the same thing! It just gets...boring after that. Too much running around trying to find a key or an axe or some shit.

+1 for titty nipple