
Sometimes we have black eyed peas, guess my mom didn't feel like making them this year. We had lasagna though, which > anything else.

Hugs :( I dunno, I was in a relationship that kind of sounds like this a few years ago, I finally got up the nerve to break up and it wasn't a bad decision. I think if you know it's for the best then you can get through it. The beginning is always the worst. If you know it's not working then it will probably end

Damn I just noticed today that the battery in my watch (that I seldom wear) died. 2015 IS FUCKED FOR ME.

re: the dancing, as someone who has had several 1989 dance parties in her room this past week, I can confirm this

That all sounds delicious and I am jealous. I'm just going to a friend's house and waiting to buy a hoverboard because that's what Back to the Future II promised and dammit I NEED A HOVERBOARD IN MY LIFE.

Yasssss adopt a cat! Do it! I got my kitty about nine years ago from an animal shelter (seriously the only way to do it, adopt one instead of going to a pet store) and it's the best. I'm thinking about getting her paw print tattooed above my right ankle. That's how crazy awesome having a cat is.

Yasssss adopt a cat! Do it! I got my kitty about nine years ago from an animal shelter (seriously the only way to do it, adopt one instead of going to a pet store) and it's the best. I'm thinking about getting her paw print tattooed above my right ankle. That's how crazy awesome having a cat is.

Yay for your sober year! That's great :) Your New Years plans sound on point.

Yay good for you! Seriously, drunk driving is not good :( One of my uncles has like 5 DUIs and almost killed a woman one time drunk driving. Ugh. It's just not worth it.

Sounds like you made the right call! Especially because of the kitty :)

I was absolutely set to stay home and be snoozin' at midnight, but a friend of mine is having a tiny party so I'm going to drive my ass that because...I dunno, she's excited about me going and I was told there would be shrimp and wine. Does anyone have a friend where it's like, they're cool and all, but you have no

Yesssssssss Twin Peaks marathon get it!

That must have been heavy to haul to school, in the snow, uphill both ways. A tip of the hat to you.

I think that last part is what makes it all seem so fake to me! Every single person has some horrible life obstacle going on/some incredibly sad backstory that they are all too willing to spill to a complete stranger on camera. Most people don't do that.

Yes! That's actually something my terrible, terrible little letter said to him — thanks for showing me what I can feel. The potential seemed absolutely unlimited though, so yeah that's probably why this is so annoyingly painful. Ugh I just keep telling myself that now that it's over I have the chance to find this same

THANK YOU it's like ugh I mean I recognize that it's not like some long ass marriage ended, but this was like that whole "first love" thing teenagers who were not as uncool as me get to experience. Only I'm an adult so I thought we had a shot of making it? I dunno. I ended up just now sending him some long ass email

omg they can say that all they like but people just wanted to look at boobs

Studies show this website is actually The Best and I looked forward to Sunday Night Sign-Off basically all day. Then I tried to play it cool and not be the first person posting when all I had to do what say how shittastic I feel.

Thanks for the advice. My insurance so they just assigned me someone, it didn't end up being the same person I did my initial diagnosis in-take meeting with, so hopefully he isn't one of the messes! I'm trying to be optimistic about the whole thing. I'd been feeling better last month because I got a boyfriend, buuuuut

Ooooh I could never do the in public thing I'd probably just end up reading a book and looking hella unapproachable. I will have to check out Meet Up though! That's a great suggestion.