
I mean I'm def not a scientist but I always just assumed that it was easier for men to orgasm because of the whole "bodies are programmed to make babies" thing. If a guy doesn't orgasm, he can't get someone pregnant, but if a woman doesn't, she can still get pregnant? Ya feel?

I mean I'm def not a scientist but I always just assumed that it was easier for men to orgasm because of the whole "bodies are programmed to make babies" thing. If a guy doesn't orgasm, he can't get someone pregnant, but if a woman doesn't, she can still get pregnant? Ya feel?

I mean I'm def not a scientist but I always just assumed that it was easier for men to orgasm because of the whole "bodies are programmed to make babies" thing. If a guy doesn't orgasm, he can't get someone pregnant, but if a woman doesn't, she can still get pregnant? Ya feel?

I mean I'm def not a scientist but I always just assumed that it was easier for men to orgasm because of the whole "bodies are programmed to make babies" thing. If a guy doesn't orgasm, he can't get someone pregnant, but if a woman doesn't, she can still get pregnant? Ya feel?

Marry me (I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door)

Omg Ryan and the water heaters I actually liked him! Girl, I feel you.

Those are so cute and idk if you're "late to the party" but anyone who says you are can FUCK RIGHT OFF because I say if something is cute and looks good on you and you feel good rocking it, wear it no matter what anyone else is wearing because honestly no one pays that much attention to other peoples' clothes anyway.

At my job I got my secret santa person a purple scarf (saw her wearing it a couple days later...success!) and a candy cane Chapstick and holiday post-it notes. Super random and since I had a coupon for the scarf it came in at right around ten bucks.

So, I recently wrote a bit about this whirlwind romance I was in with a man about to leave for the Air Force. Welp, said Airman dumped my ass maybe a week later (for non-Air Force related reasons that I actually do believe, as bizarre as they are) and now I'm spending my Sunday night agonizing over making a

I'm two years older than you and I can relate to you to an extent — all of my friends started dating way before me and I wasn't asked on a date until I was almost 19 (and that went nowhere). I've been in one serious relationship and just started a new one a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't dated much. I've never

This x1000

This x1000

So many feelings right now. A month ago I spontaneously met this guy from OkCupid (of all places) even though I didn't feel ready to date. And he's INCREDIBLE. Never felt like this before. It's been a crazy month, we've been spending so much time together, we joke about getting married someday, and I'm falling in

You sound awesome.


Oh God, that's just horrible. I worked five holiday seasons at motherfucking Kohl's, and every single one drained part of me away. I honestly don't really even like the holidays anymore and I think that dealing with people like this lady on pretty much a daily basis are what contributed to that. Last year I worked in

When I saw "Chinese Chicken" I thought it was that weird "it's been one week since you looked me something something losing my shirt something something Chinese chicken had a drumstick" song and thought it would finally be explained to me. Alas.

I just reactivated my OkCupid not ten minutes ago and am seriously regretting this now ahh hugs to you, people are such fuckfaces. I love the "thank you for your time" at the end of the last one though.

Just a quick little update: I posted last Saturday about feeling depressed/engaging in self-harm and got so many lovely and encouraging responses (and one troll, but what else can you expect on the internet?) I didn't reply to each one individually because I didn't know how to say thanks without sounding like a broken

I eventually ate dinner, yes, and was better about eating today. I fell asleep at one point while reading but didn't end up taking some four hour nap as usual, so that's good. I got a decent amount of stuff done. I feel okay today and am looking forward to exploring my options this week for how I can get help with