
Thank you so much for your suggestion — I made myself a list today with "don't cut myself" at the top like you suggested. I've already crossed two things off. I really like this idea, I think it will motivate me to get stuff done instead of laying around on my days off.

I just ordered a copy of the book from Amazon, thank you so much for your recommendation. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not alone, everyone always says that the first year is the hardest. Surprisingly, the little graphic helps, I hadn't seen that one before.

How do you private message someone? I am not sure.

Just going to say it: I cut myself and I think that I am depressed. A year ago I told my best friend and he stuck by me since then, urging me to get help, tried to be a good listener, but this morning he texted me saying that it's taking a toll on him and that we need to go our separate ways because I refuse to get

Congrats on winning! I just had a horrible flashback to that time I SHOULD have won the hula-hooping contest at my dad's company picnic when I was 10 or so but another girl dropped her hoop and kept going and ended up beating me what the fuck SHE DROPPED HER HOOP I WON THE TROPHY SHOULD'VE BEEN MINE but congrats on

A couple of things, one serious, one not so much:

I mean he TOUCHED you, what the fuckery fuck, you're completely within your rights to have been freaked out over that. Really weird.

Am I the only person who likes Little Caesar's? (If that's the pizza to which you refer...) Fuck, I've even seen the commercial for that cheesy pretzel pizza and want it.

Fuck, that was such bullshit. Samantha, Miranda, and Big all offered here the money — I don't think Big even expected her to pay it back. So she had three people offering to help her but she still wanted Charlotte's money. And she only had like a thousand dollars too, which, for someone almost forty who buys $500

All of the stars to you

What the fuck, so rude to tell you that his time is precious, essentially indicating that the drive wouldn't be worth it. Nah, fuck this guy (or rather, DON'T fuck this guy.) He would make the drive if he really wanted to, he just wants to do all of the work, and you're better than that. It's easier said than done,

I feel like with my track record, whatever I recommend will be horribly wrong, but you could always try to set up things (or ask your friend to set up things) for the four of you that are still pretty casual and don't feel like a sneak attack double date, whether they be going out, dinner, or just game night at home

Fellow teacher here — this is my first year. I've yet to have my first parent-teacher conference over a disciplinary issue, but I know that when I do I will be super nervous. However, my fellow teachers with more experience all say that they were nervous to contact/meet with parents in the beginning too. You wouldn't

You're obviously a sweet person to give your kitties a home where you think they would be happier and to miss them so much — it's okay to miss them :( Kitties are part of the family.

Earlier this summer I'd been seeing a guy for a little while then he just stopped talking to me, out of the blue. Never heard from him again. I feel like I'm in the same boat as you, feeling super lonely. So I don't really have a hopeful story to give you, just a solid "me too" so hopefully you will feel a teeny bit

Are you me? I feel similarly - I'm only a year older than you and got my dream teaching job a month and a half ago. Almost everyone in my department is either married or has kids (and those who aren't married are in like 6 year relationships) and so I definitely feel like I'm the youngest one around (and not just

Well I love my job, even though I don't exactly make faaabulous money. But other than that I feel largely unwanted and lonely.

This place basically sounds like a dump and you're probably better off not working there, even if you don't find something else right away. And what the fuck, came up and choked you? Fuck that noise.

Being broke isn't an excuse for being an asshole. She should've let you guys know that she wouldn't be able to make it.

My best friend met her boyfriend on OkCupid and I met my ex on there, so I know that it can work. I've been thinking about joining a legitimate site like Match because work and mutual friends don't seem to be bringing much success here.