
A lot of guys ARE weirded out by the whole virgin thing, which totally sucks :( I try not to bring it up too soon but somehow it always comes up! And then they take that as their cue to leave...ah, well. There must be somebody for everybody, right? I'm sure there are guys out there who won't be weirded out, we just

I'm not sure that I could commit the time to something like a class (at least not one with assignments to do outside of class) but I like the idea of a personal project. I've been trying to get back into writing. Thanks :)

I have been sooooooo down lately. Ugh. My professional life is like a 9 (love my job) but my personal life is like a -2. I've been single for almost two years and have done everything I can think of to "get back out there," even shitty OkCupid. Almost everyone I work with is married and all of my (two) friends are in

So I really feel like I need to move out. I still live at home but do not have the best relationship with my father. We just don't get along and after we fight I cut my left arm. I should probably do something about that, but I've only managed to tell one friend. I've half-heartedly tried to get help in the past, but

Ok, so I've never tried anything like that, but...DON'T STICK SHIT FROM CHINA VIA AMAZON INTO YOUR FACE! That just sounds like a terrible, terrible idea. It seems like at least once a month on here we have a story about someone who died/is suffering from a horribly botched DIY-type cosmetic procedure. If it's exactly

This is my first year as a high school English teacher and it's the best. You have to jump through a shit-ton of pointless hoops to become a teacher — and at least in my state, an additional two years of training once you get the job (that you get to pay thousands of dollars!) There's no way I could get up

Right, it's basically another way of reminding me that I only have a few good years left in me. Your hair sounds gorgeous and people who want you to cut it are possibly just jealous that their hair doesn't grow like that anymore. Rock on!

I'm gonna stop you right there — you absolutely deserve respect. Don't let the way your dad treats you dictate how you look at yourself. Just because he has shitty tendencies (fuck that whole 'shopping' quip, like that's all women ever think about) doesn't mean you don't deserve respect. I understand how easy it can

Ugh, I am sorry :( It is not your fault that you had that thought just because what he said wasn't particularly vulgar. I've had that attitude about dating — thought my standards were too high because I could only seem to find assholes, when I realized that "wait a second, 'doesn't treat me like garbage' isn't too

In that case, you are such a sweet person! :) I hope that you start feeling better soon!


One of my students called me a "homie" which is high praise coming from a 15 year old! Now it's your turn!!

Why do half of those haircuts have the zigzag parts that I tried so desperately to achieve when I was a kid in the 90s?

Dude, FUCK THAT. Rock whatever the fuck haircut you want to. I'm in my twenties and had been debating on going short and people told me "You have your whole life to have short hair, keep it long for now." More like I have my whole life to do whatever the hell I want with my hair. I cut it anyway and love it. I figure

You are awesome! I've tried to donate in the past but for my height, I don't weigh enough and they won't take any from me :(

Aww look at that sweet little guy! I don't understand how adorable kitties can't find homes, it doesn't add up. I bet you are a great owner :)

I just got my first teaching job (high school English) a few weeks ago and even though we're only a couple of weeks into the school year, I am already absolutely loving it :) The only downside is that my commute is ASS, over an hour each way in crappy Los Angeles-area traffic, but my department is so collaborative and

Aww she just looks like such a sweetie :)

I feel ya. I just reactivated my OkCupid for the 12393482 time this past week. Things have been very lackluster so far but I feel as if I have to do SOMETHING proactive in regards to my dating life, or else I'm wasting my time. Solidarity!