I feel so sad for Linda. She looks perfectly fine, she looks normal, she looks cute, and she can’t see it at all.
I feel so sad for Linda. She looks perfectly fine, she looks normal, she looks cute, and she can’t see it at all.
So you’re “enraged” that the magazine didn’t overrule her wishes and force her to take the photos showing what she calls her “deformity” as though it was some fucking Elephant Man-esque “expose” to serve as a prop for your agenda...
We should just call it the Great Lakes Region and solve the issue.
my favorite comments in this context will always be the teary, self-congratulatory, self-righteous comments referencing saving “babies” or “angels” (but never any mention of the mother...weird!) along with a reference to God or the bible, i.e. they just scored a first class ticket to Heaven, baby!
We should maybe relabel some regions. Midwest seems to me to mean somewhere in the middle of the west. So, like, Nevada. And that would suggest you have a mideast or midnorth or something. Central States, perhaps?
...Illinois would like a word...
Following the Big Lie in 2020, this is apparently the new normal: Right-wingers claiming any outcome they don’t like is fraud.
Who cares whether he had arresting power or not? Hell, even if he wasn’t even a constable, just a normal guy, if a woman runs up to you and says she sees a woman being raped, who doesn’t get the fuck out of the car and go help any way they can?
If incompetent police are going to rethink the profession, that’s a win for everyone!
Even immediate family could be a risk, that’s what is so terrifying about this. I’d say “tell only one person, someone who is in a position to help you” and then hope for the best. If you get turned in at least you know who did it?
If you live in an anti-abortion state, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE outside of your immediate family if you’re planning on getting an abortion, especially Facebook. Get a true encrypted app like Signal to communicate. Facebook can see absolutely every single message made on their service, and have no problems turning that…
My MIL gave me a mini Telfar bag for xmas last year and I looked it up and was like, wait is this queer little plastic bag some kind of fancy thing somehow?!?! Apparently it is. I am cool now.
Attending Bama as a (happily married) grad student in my mid-40s and seeing some of this shit in person was equal parts depressing, confusing, and frightening
And I hate myself for that.
It’s also a welcome reminder that people who vote a certain way are not monolithic on every issue. Both parties get hijacked via primaries and good old fashioned political cowardice into backing policies out of synch even with most of their own supporters, and this is a prime example.
We are proud for you. Kansas really stepped up here. Thank you.
Just wait until someone breaks out a Muslim prayer rug on the 50 yard line.
I have been waiting for this lawsuit ever since the right rammed thru abortion restrictions and cited “religious freedom” as justification. The right only ever considers “religious freedom” to mean for their christian nationalism. Never bother doing their homework to look and find that, oh other religions have…
This makes me feel old as hell. I remember when she adopted her and it doesn’t seem all that long ago. Welp, time to go grab my Geritol.