alienne 2.0 (Lost PW)

You need to read a little history. This is exactly what war is and does and always has done. And Hamas is counting on this.

Are you Jewish? Do you even really understand what she said and why it’s so over the top?

Malcom Nance said it best when he said these are people who would have cheered ISIS after 9/11.

We are used to you antisemites. You will never kill us, no matter how many times you try.

It’s de rigueur to be antisemitic and it takes an especially strong person to stand up against slogans that call for the destruction of Israel and tolerates the murder of Jews. I strongly support the 22 democrats who voted to censure. Jews have spent thousands of years being accosted and murdered and I think Ms. Tlaib

We demand to see his Business Calc grade first.

I read the first two phrases of your comment in a Donald Trump voice, but you lost me at your third, which was heartbreakingly self-aware. Maybe it’s an age thing, but I can’t imagine wanting to have dinner with that many people.

I think people who have been married for a long time don’t see a split in the same way, perhaps, as younger people. After 25+ years, your spouse is more like a member of your family than just your spouse. I can easily see splitting from my husband and living in the same house, particularly if it’s a huge house and I

It’s Israel, not Isreal. You 100% missed my point.

I can’t think of anything I hate worse than hearing a bunch of half-educated nitwits pile on the Palestinians = Good, Israelis/Jews = Bad bandwagon. Also, much humanitarian aid is making its way to southern Gaza and the U.S. is working to help get access across the Egyptian border. Funny that Hamas is nowhere to be

American Jews have been saying this and no one listens. There is no place to go for us now and I’ve noticed that many Jews sympathetic to the Palestinian plight from occupation and actions of settlers are now backed into a corner. You may not think this is important, but we vote, we protest for Palestinian rights, we

And then gabrielwinant turns into his own little press secretary. SMH

Pretty sure she’s done more for democracy than you have and it irritates that you made me type this.

Also, despite how normal Mama Kelce seems, I am over mothers of super-special sons. Who cares?

So true. Beatles, Elvis, etc. My sister had an acquaintance who traveled the country to see each Huey Lewis & the News concert, well after their sell-by date. 

I would pay high dollar for a Milo & Otis style 45-minute show about them.

FFS, you know her and her motives, etc., about as well as I know King Charles. Leave the woman alone.

Who else thought Spongebob was holding a lulav and etrog?

I’m forever appalled that it seems to be an American value to make lots of money for the sole purpose of living large and accumulating stupid things.

They missed a huge opportunity here.