alienne 2.0 (Lost PW)

Hey I’m even worse...I was part of the naive .0001% of kids who actually bought into the after-school specials. I was morally certain that a single snort of coke would turn me into a hooker forever.

Quoting bell hooks and Cornell West on this one...

fear mongering adults say the darndest things!

I think that person just meant the phrase "mama bear," not the actual concept of a protective mother. 

GAA didn’t scare me off drugs, probably because I was 11 when I read it and it all just kind of went over my head (even as I was lapping it up breathlessly).

Me too! I read it as a young teen and it scared me to death.  But no so much that I still didn’t try different drugs anyway.

Wow, that’s bad.  And just the other day, they mocked the misspelling of a word on a ballot measure.

Can we just retire the use of “mama bear” I mean seriously blergh.

*takes a seat beside you*

Go Ask Alice plus Linklater plus Desperate Lives kept me scared for years. Or at least, a year. 

Hi. Yes. I'm loath to admit it, but I read this book in my early teens, was duped, and it is one of the reasons I've never done drugs. 

At the age of 60 this is the first time I’ve heard this. Read it as a tween and really thought it was true all these years. Shame on all involved.

Fellow Kansan here, advance voting on Wednesday and I'm going to vote NO so hard that my pencil is going to break.

way more than we needed to know about his sex life. Again.”

I don’t know how those teenagers are going to survive having their own luxury hotel apartment in Paris for a few weeks. It must be so hard.

My mom and stepdad took all the kids on their honeymoon.  One of their biggest regrets...

You want weird and creepy, wait until Ivanka eulogizes Donald at his funeral….

To be fair, I get it. I had surgery for bowel cancer which ended up mangling my belly button out of existence. I’m not a vain person, and didn’t think I’d have an issue with surgical scars, but oh wow did that freak me out. My brain flipped a switch or something and I was unable to touch that area without feeling

I think the monkey-eating-face procedure is only available in a small number of elite health spas worldwide anyway

Can we just get the Musks and rest of the edgelords and douche bros in one place and then: