
And she wears combat boots...

“...and his wife walks about with him with the permanently disgruntled face of a woman who has never been sexually satisfied.”

and his mother dresses him funny

“...also, he is ugly.”

who accidentally says that? how does that just accidentally roll of the tongue?

I’m in my 50's and it’s very hard to grasp how far we’ve come since I was growing up.
Date rape was not a thing until I was a young woman - even though it had happened to me. I certainly never had the support/language/wherewithal to talk about it.
Things have changed so much for the better - but that doesn’t mean we

This chucklehead’s administration is still referring to this as the China Virus?
(I know this is the least thing to be outraged about in this, it’s just so jarring to see)

I had a depression so bad after treatment for cancer that I contemplated killing myself for days on end and eventually wound up on the mental health ward of the hospital. The year of treatment for cancer - chemotherapy, surgery, radiation was NOTHING compared to the depression I suffered from after treatment was over.

It’s even uglier when you don’t have money, emotional empathy from family and friends, beauty and fame. I don’t have anything against Dakota (god, how I loathe that name), but jfc, there’s nothing beautiful about mental illness.

Depression is when your thoughts are so thick and heavy that you can’t even get out of bed, plus greasy hair.

Imagine expressing how you have learned to cope with your mental health, only to be told you’re wrong because it might not be relatable for everyone.

Depression is not beautiful, depression is an ugly bitch.

Incredible piece Mr. Harriot. I live in California and the the county in which I live (Contra Costa) is offering free testing for every resident. I also enrolled in a test study UC Berkeley/UCSF which  along with tracking one’s health, will provide home tests for the duration of the study.

“People started staring at me, but I just assumed everyone recognized me because of my OnlyFans.”

What. An. Asshole. I hope the MTA sends him a bill for the cleanup and bans him for life.

What a fucking prick. Look at those people- they have to wear masks to ride the subway, everyone is stressed out, anxious, scared and many of those riders look to be in an age group where they likely have genuine concern about their health and survival. And this dude comes along with this “prank”. Somebody should have

It could be worse. In Baltimore the name of the local sports news guy is Gerry Sandusky.

Many years ago, there was a great article on Slate about the large numbers of people who brazenly lie about having a personal connection to 9/11, including the president of the WTC Survivors Support Network.

You’re doing God’s work, there.

I have developed a weakness for John Krasinski’s new YouTube series Some Good News.