
Democrats, you’re getting my vote, OK? But do you want it to be for Biden or against Trump?

Yeah, I’m voting for this guy but, Sweet Mother of Fuck, how did this turn out to be the best we can do?

He has no ragrets.

This is wise. Forgiveness is an ongoing process rather than an absolute one time epiphany that fixes things. It’s taken my whole adult life to learn this, hell I’m still learning it.

I was so happy to see that the advise was don’t tell her.  If you tell your wife you will transfer the emotional pain and burden of the secret to her, you will feel better, she will feel worse.  And it is unlikely your relationship will recover. This your pain and shame to endure. 

You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.

Sometimes you just have to stand there in your wrongness and be wrong. That might mean telling the truth and dealing with the consequences, or it might mean keeping it to yourself and dealing with that emotional burden. Only you can determine which option is the better one based on the specifics of your relationship

Came down here JUST for that... on my life, this appears to be the hardest lesson of that early adulthood transition - some things don’t get re-dos.  Some decisions you make are fucking permanent and there is no scripted resolution where everyone lives happily ever after and things work out.  Reasons why it’s all the

This crisis you’ve been suppressing isn’t meant to be resolved, it’s meant to be endured.

Lying to someone you love to protect them from knowing what you’ve done puts you on about the same moral ground as a firefighter who rescues someone from a building he set on fire.”

Sure. As soon as you learn to spell and acknowledge that there are no black people with those names. Oh and please stop acting like there aren’t Caucasians out here named ESPN and other ones I have seen. Bye Chadster

Seriously? What lies has the president told about the coronavirus epidemic? Either she drunk deeply of the MAGA Kool-Aid and actually believes that the president is someone who tells the truth (he isn’t!), or she was really banking on catching Sanders off guard. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Trump in

Idiots like the one you’re replying to genuinely thing they have a ‘gotcha’ when they say dumb ass shit like that. They LEGITIMATELY believe that if you protest about co-workers doing a f/m/k with their female co-workers it is morally equivalent to private citizens doing it about celebs.

But what about the men? Doesn't anybody care about the men???????

I agree with you. This is what we get when those participation trophy winning children grow up to be the stars of their own real-life reality shows. Look at the pictures I posted of her: Audra is a (insert jazz hands) star, baby. She had tap lessons until she got a bit too bosomy at 10, or she was a pageant princess

Sorry I can no longer laugh at the actions and the foolishness of these Karen’s, Taylor’s, Dalton’s, Breleigh’s, Hailey’s and other fucked up damaged people that are damaging us. Why do I no longer find humor in their reckless, blatant lack of give a shit? Because assholes like this vote, they breed and they appear to

Thank you for this. I just don’t have the energy to deal with idiots these days.

The centuries have not been kind to her.

Not the Hedge Fund Bros.  !!!!!