That sounds horribly uncomfortable.
Thank you. My FIL enlisted because (a) it was the right thing to do; and (b) he lived on a “poor farm” and wanted three meals a day. He fought on Guadalcanal and once he returned, he never left his farm. He clearly has PTSD, jungle rot, and a host of other problems. I say “he has” because he turns 100 this year.
There were Jewish people. You just didn’t personally know them. Savannah, GA is home to one of the oldest U.S. synagogues, Congregation Mickve Israel, organized in 1735. I saw the Torah scrolls that were brought over by boat in 1733.
Bravo to you and for all the hard work you do on behalf of girls!
As a former GS and a GS leader for several years when my daughter was of age, I’m not too worried about this for the majority of troops. Truly, the goal is to do cool things available in the area. Our troop was near Manhattan, KS and so we did STEM stuff at KSU, went to an astronomy night-time camp at a campground…
I went to college in Manhattan, which I thought was a delightfully laid-back town, very progressive and genuine. Lawrence always struck me as “on,” as in everyone felt compelled to be “original” in a way that made folks there seem very homogeneous. But it’s still a sweet town in some ways. Just getting to be a JoCo…
Yeah, I heard that one. Last time we visited the in-laws, my shit-starter husband asked my FIL if folks were going to be going on welfare now that they couldn’t sell their soybeans. The reaction was priceless.
Too small to say - I’ll out myself here. However, I have seen this haircut from WaKeeney to Effingham!
Frankly, she sounded like my MIL. Even though they’re farmers and my FIL fought in WWII, they support trump and get all their news from fox & friends, etc. They’re just so worried about the border, you know. In fact, now that I type that, I remember the old lady on NPR getting very upset over what’s happening at the…
More like Bebelplatz, PA.
You are killing it today! As a former copy editor, I’m digging it.
I heard a story on NPR over lunch where a reporter was asking folks in Kentucky who they supported in 2020. One older lady said trump and when the reporter asked her why, she could not name a single thing - she just said, “everything!” When asked what issues were important to people, she said, “well, not health care…
Whoa, nelly. I think Gen Z is going be the greatest generation!
We’ve had lots of Democrats in the Gov’s mansion. Kansas is a weird place, politically. I think Kansans basically look for people with “horse sense” and Laura Kelly has it in spades. Kobach, not at all.
This was beautiful schadenfreude for every Kansas lawyer.
Dad not rich. Just a car salesman and a drunk. Not going to say how I know, but KK does not have a rich background. Mom was a school teacher.
Kinda stupid. For a long time, when you went to his website as SoS, he had this counter at the bottom that said something like, “This Office has stopped 7 people from voting illegally.” Good god - seven people.
Kansas had a state senator with Ivy League degrees and he was impossibly stupid.
The Kansas GOP is doing everything in its power to see that Kobach does not run for the Senate. While it would be great to have him out of the state, I think he’ll do far more damage working for trump than whatever the hell he’s doing right now in his fancy converted barn.