
Agreed.  Also, go up to the bar and order your seltzer water or Coke with lime.  No one will have any idea, whatsoever.

This may just be anecdotal evidence, but I have a close friend whose dad never brushes. She told me once he bit into a banana and his gums bled.  I think I’ll keep brushing and flossing.

When our daughter was a baby, I would run to the grocery store alone and sit in the car for 30-45 minutes reading before going in.  As for movies and airplane rides, if I don’t have my kid with me, I’m fast asleep in 15 minutes.  It’s a beautiful thing.

Dear Redheads:  my grandmother had orange hair as a young girl and her hair never went gray.  Truly, she was 88 years old when she died and her hair was a very dark auburn with a few twisty white hairs mixed in.  It was gorgeous.  

I think it’s the abortion bans.  It’s the catalyst - and in many ways the last straw - for so many of us and the rage we’ve been keeping quiet, for the most part.

Agreed. And FWIW, whenever I’m missing the big family with which I grew up, an episode of that show does the trick. (Pause for mockery.) I can’t believe I’m admitting this.

FYI, this haircut is STILL popular in the small Kansas town in which I live (for the time being).

It won’t be in the Central Plains.  We would never waste our hard-earned money on a milkshake only to throw it on someone.

Sehr gut!

God, I loved Dana Carvey’s John McLaughlin.

Dooce on the Loose Two: Electric Boogalooce.

Gorgeous, strong and brave!

I have never, ever been more jealous.  Not kidding.  I adored that cat and his spare me the bullshit face.  I blame trump.

Yes, but people do it. The entire two-year period in my late 30s that I spent trying to get pregnant (before adopting, which is a much better idea, IMO), I was all into being healthy, etc. So I think there is such a thing as “prepping” yourself to get pregnant - or maybe more like trying to stack all the health cards

When I had my evening with Lamar, he exhausted me with his take on 19th century Spanish art and a four-hour session of watching the Linklater oeuvre, MST3K-style.

I leave every Passover seder with a headache after the four (tiny) cups of wine (imbibed over a three-hour time period).  That’s your 50s, folks.

I feel like a small, dedicated group of Americans needs to rescue Meghan and Archie and bring them back except how is this country really any better?