
I would guess some foreign power.

I prefer the old days when I merely thought people were mostly dumb to now when I’m provided the proof thereof.

And this is a celebrity website!

And please, above all, don’t be a moran.

This, definitely. All I need is a recliner in a corner at the Good Samaritan home.  I’m going to read books and watch season whatever of the latest crime show 24/7 until one day they find me dead in my recliner. 

Would that be the very same Alex Pareene who did not vote in 2016 because, as he said, it would not matter?

Yes, even as I consider myself a Castro supporter.  I want it to be Maya Rudolph so badly!

I’m going to go with “Hungry Heart,” for 200, please.

There is no one - and I mean NO ONE - who loves Oprah more than I do; I have supported her unconditionally my entire middle-aged life.  But I’ll be damned if I’m not a little tired of some of the people who have had their careers made thanks to her.  I’m looking at you Dr. Phil (and now this lady)!

Aw, thanks.  I had a phenomenal mom.  That helps.  ♥

I bought her something she didn’t have the money for after spending it on the book.  I’ve told her we will always pay for any books she wants. It’s the Hot Topic stuff where I draw the line.  ! ! ! 

My teenage daughter used her allowance to buy Becoming! (I would have bought it for her had she simply asked.)

My favorite!  Have you seen the small, individually-wrapped ones that come in a bag?

You kids turn down the goddamned music!

This is an incredible accounting of a complicated issue. When I was an active member of NOW, in the late 80s and 90s, I remember my bible being the anthology Sisterhood is Power and joining other women to watch William F. Buckley debate Faye Wattleton (where Wattleton cleaned-up). We joked about S.C.U.M. and made our

His parents have declined any sort of title

Yes, because I was absolutely considering that when I replied.

Not going to reply to trolls, but will admit there are a lot of jerks in flyover states. Give those of us who live here and work to change the system a break.  I’m pretty sure some ugly things have gone down in your own states.  We all own this mess and the sooner we work together to clean it up, the better.  Just

We can hope!

Not to mention flyover states.  :-(