
I used lavender and light blue for my daughter’s room and it was so cozy. We got seriously into Thomas the Tank Engine over time and went to a local Thomas & Friends tiny carnival every year complete with a train dressed up to look like Thomas and one year we took a little friend who, upon arriving, announced that

Ms. Goldberg should be one of the women we are told about as little girls - one of the women we revere and thank for fighting the good fight on our behalf. I was so impressed with her after first reading about her in the New Yorker article from 2016 and seeing that she’s just fought on makes me so happy. My daughter

Because Reform Judaism is more involved in social justice, is LBGTQ+ friendly, welcomes interfaith families, and has the guts to criticize Israel (most of the time).  There’s far more exclusivity and us v. them mentality in Orthodox and even Conservative congregations.

I understand where you comment is coming from, but if you looked at the history of Reform Judaism, I think you would agree that it is none of those thing.


This is the reasonable answer we all need.

Maybe, but Scotch eggs are the equivalent to the things you might find in some liquid preservative near the register!

Came here to say this. Why could I get a Scotch egg at my corner store in Earl’s Court (no nasty comments; this was years ago)? Un-refrigerated, at that!  

I think asking the family of this kid to get involved with a local Reform synagogue would be a good thing - lots of social justice in a loving, accepting atmosphere.  

Thank you!  This is sewer rat’s time and I won’t stand for the Globe trying to make a rat picture a thing during its time!

Well, I am the authority on what constitutes good art as the third-grader selected to make all hallway posters at my school given my extraordinary talent of copying Charles Schultz’s Snoopy characters, especially Woodstock. And this is not art. We are simply not at a time and place where an odd rat & face amalgam are

Thank you! Me, too! These are simply theatre kids who are having fun, albeit annoying fun for some of us.

I’m guessing she’s much more happy about no longer living with an alcoholic.  If you’ve lived with a drunk, you know that everyone’s lives become centered around the drunk.  And if the alcoholic goes through recovery, you’re still at risk that you may end up living with a “dry drunk.”  This is based on my experience

Agreed. It’s the one night of the year (along with NYE) that we stay home and either eat pizza or make omelets. I cannot imagine subjecting myself to the hell that is Valentine’s Day at a restaurant only to bitch about minor inconveniences that are likely no one’s fault, really.  Also, every restaurant is allowed a

I am so sorry for your torment and anxiety! I came here to report a strange phenomenon where I, an incredibly anxious flyer prior to 9/11, became a totally calm flyer after 9/11. I was drugged, clinging to the armrests and considered each bump of turbulence a precursor to death. It was unbelievable then when I first

Oh, god, I cannot see that. Let me live in my bubble of ignorance!

I’m finding it damned delightful.

DING! DING! DING! Gaga strikes me as someone “who thinks and feels more deeply than others” - a phrase my friends and I use to describe folks who are extra - and this whole Star is Born thing has been a “thing” and Gaga is like a typical theatre kid who’s riding the wave of attention and excitement through awards,

Jesus, thank you for this comment.  I spent the worst six months of my life under an interim director whose “management style” was berating, belittling and (figurative) beheading.  My kid, a third-grader at the time, wrote - without my knowledge - a little paragraph essay for school called “My Mom’s Boss is Mean.” 

And here I was just thinking he was that rare bird - a dopey, moon-faced white guy who was kind of tolerable.