
Also burst out laughing!  Spike Lee is the real deal. His movies are fantastically original and deceptively simple (IMO); his sense of humor is beautifully wry; and he’s utterly authentic; and he and his wife wrote my daughter’s favorite picture book, Please Puppy Puppy.  It’s a delightful explosion of humor entirely

Have a seat right next to me.  I’m smdh at these two.  They’re too old for this nonsense!  There’s a child involved, damn it!  <shakes fist>

Do not fail to take care of yourself during all of this! Do something else for awhile if necessary.  The only person to whom you owe your life is yourself.  xxoo

Ladies, let me be the first to alert you that if you go to Kim’s Instagram (no comments here, please, it’s been a long day), you’ll see there’s a path through which Mr. G could walk.  Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Never mind.  <dumb comment about Brad Pitt bringing a gift deleted due to not understanding the point right away>  Also, dumb.

I will never forget my daughter’s third-grade teacher, a young, surprisingly with-it guy, gather all his students around him on the floor while he sat in a chair and then said in the most emphatic way: “You are NOT dating.  You are in third grade.  You do not have girlfriends or boyfriends and you are NOT going out

Excuse me, I’m headed home for the day suffering from total exhaustion at the thought of all the trash resulting from those zillion bud vases.  I hope to god they recycle them.  Also, conspicuous consumption: don’t do it; it’s a crime against nature.

All I can think after reading your reply is how lucky your students are to have you. Truly, as a person who straddles Gen X and Boomer, I look at you all and am so proud of you all, how resilient you are and how tolerant and cognizant, mature and caring. And let me say something about the antidepressants; I was loathe

I’m your grandma here to tell you it was nothing compared to 1980s MTV, damn it!

Thank you. As the parent of a Gen Z teen, they’re worried about dying at school, living through climate change and and what antidepressant to take.

Who is that on the bottom right of the collage? Sonja Morgan?  Also, read first cover as “Kylie is a Cheetah.”  Seemed possible.

See Jim & Pam!  When he comes back from Stamford with Karen and they’re in the conference room for one of Michael’s meetings and Michael or Dwight says something ridiculous and Pam looks at Jim, but Jim’s looking at Karen.

When I recover, I’m filing a tort claim against you for this!

Well put. My teen daughter is struggling with depression right now; it breaks my heart to see all the young people in the waiting room at her doctor’s office (who treats only ages 2-26). THIS is the world they’re inheriting from us. But to your point about Bieber, it’s beyond the pale to see kids doing the work of

I really do have sympathy for Bieber. I’m dragging my tired body through every day with the help of an anti-depressant and only my friends and family are aware of my daily movements. I cannot imagine what I’d do if I went to buy my weekly bread and eggs and saw my fat ass on the cover of a magazine looking like crap

My brother and I, both teens, in California for the summer to stay with an aunt and uncle in North Hollywood, looked through this page by page in a Beverly Hills bookstore looking every bit like the hayseeds from the Midwest we were.  I’m sorry, fancy people!

And bookstore clerks like me were both happy to see you enjoy it, but fearful we’d find it in the men’s bathroom later.

Six of one, half dozen of the other.

I forgot how often the word “prong” is used in criminal law.

Just guessing here - and I am Jewish - but it’s likely offensive in that Israel, on its own, is not a bad thing; the NRA, however. . .