
I’m a child of the 70s and we did (those I knew, anyway) think Bundy was handsome.  Gacy, not so much.  :-/

I am living for season 2.  And how they’ll eventually solve BTK.  This show is so good!

It was very, very good, but I like the genre (she says with shame).

This has got to be the pic from his stop in Kansas???

See “free shipping,” supra.

My spousal unit in a nutshell:  hates people, wants them to die.  Everyone relax, please.  He’d sooner have himself flayed than get up out of his chair to do the actual murderin’.  Lazy Misanthropes, Inc.

The horror!  Truly.  I’d rather have had my own absentee, alcoholic father who ignored me!

Deleting post that was largely a pity-party about adoption.  Instead, telling myself to go fuck myself.  Welcome to my TED talk.

Or, as I saw on a poster in West Berlin so many years ago, Der Rosenkrieg.

God, I love answers like these.  I’m too lazy to research this, too, and I’m pretty sure it’s because only certain agencies are affected by the partial governmental shut-down and the executive one is not one of those.

Question: does Ivanka have veneers? I’m fully aware of her extensive plastic surgery, but those teeth are kind of large and uniform.

Maybe he’s one of those plodding types who managed to graduate by putting in the minimum to simply get the job done.  I saw so many of those people in law school.

Not meeting significant others is in standard custody agreements, at least in my state. And really, I can’t think of anything worse for your kid than getting through a divorce and then making them meet a bunch of people you’re dating. My own dad had a new wife or girlfriend every six months and my sibs and I were

Were this my kid hundreds of years ago, I would have drowned him in the nearest river at the first inkling of his douchebag attitude.  In 21st century America, I’m at a loss.  I finally quit grinding my teeth post November election and now I’m back to feeling sick all the time.  I know why people seek out an echo

Why do we expect the black kids to toughen up and be the bigger person?

I would take baby Hitler into my arms and walk into the water slowly and meaningfully, a la Virginia Woolf-style determination, and just drown us both. And what a good movie that could be - maybe done in black & white, starring pre-Friends with Benefits Natalie Portman, directed by Jane Campion.  Or a Mel Brooks

Oh, god, yes.  They have these smooth, almost baby-like faces, that look largely absent of mental capacity.

Yeah, that’s an excellent point.  That sort of thing is done to alleviate guilt.  

I will admit to having watched significant amounts of KUWTK (but only AFTER Trump was elected, so make of that what you will) and I gotta say about Rob, who is forever mentally age 4 in my mind, the unexamined life is not worth living.