
Oh god — schools force you to maintain multiple accounts? I’m fucked. I’m already completely overwhelmed with log-ins and maintenance of my personal email, two work emails, multiple work calendar apps, mortgage account, two checking accounts (joint and solo), two savings accounts, retirement account, condo escrow

They have a 15-month-old son

Exactly. My parents’ jobs ended at 5pm. Mine is 24/7 and it’s fucking advertising - we’re not curing cancer.

Can we stop with the whole “ur doin it to urself” thing please? Sure, there are probably upwards of several hundred couples in Manhattan who are both employed, with young children, who have attempted to craft a Halloween costume out of mason jars and pallets, but that really isn’t life for most of us (admittedly

In my never humble opinion, the middle class, of which I am one by profession, but because I don’t do wealth I am vastly NOT by lifestyle, are very concerned with Getting Ahead. Very competitive. A lot of Fomo. Much anxiety. A modicum of guilt. A touch of keeping u with the Joneses. and it doesn’t do the kids any

Yes! Exactly. And I could ask him to do it but I get so annoyed with this. Why should I have to ask you to take the overflowing towels to the basement to wash? They’re right there! NOTICE THEM AND DO IT!

I think it’s more to the issue that people rarely consider NOT having kids - like it’s something everyone just automatically has to do to be considered an ‘adult’ - which is utter and total bullshit.

My parents had jobs. They went to work in the morning, they worked all day, they came home. They did stuff with us.

My husband and I have jobs. We wake up before our kid to check email, we knock out the high priority stuff, kid gets up, she’s ready for school, we drop her off, head to work, we work all day, come home,

Everyone’s different. We *look* like we’re “having it all” from the outside, with our suburban house and nice cars and high paychecks, but the facts are these: my husband and I were idiots who focused a lot of energy keeping up with the Joneses in a very high cost of living area (DC suburbs). Then we had two babies

Yup, instead of the Great American Dream, we have the Great American Disappointment. The economy has changed so much from much of the 20th century, and the 1% has been masterful in sucking up ever more of the value being generated. So people drive themselves insane trying to keep up.

For me, it seemed that the biggest problem is what you said is problem #1 - many of our husbands think that doing a little bit of work is equal to doing half of the work. My own husband does way more than his dad did and I think he wants to be congratulated for that. But he still only does roughly 25% of what is

It’s because parenting culture is fucking INSANE nowadays. Children are expected to be the center of your world as a parent, but the average family doesn’t have time for that. Nowadays, kids have to be supervised all the time until they’re in high school. They have to be on the soccer team and take piano lessons in

It’s really very simple.

Americans are just lazy

A. Crappy child/disabled/elder care