
That is one of the smartest and most wise things you can do! Glad you already see this sham for what it is! You’re already a better mom to be for this decision😉

Staying at home may be for her but it’s not the case for everyone. I’ve always worked even when my children were babies which coincidentally was easier than working when they went to school but I began staying home about 2 yrs ago because my youngest began needing more attention than I could previously devote while

I can empathize with you, been through strikingly similar situation but the experience helped to clarify life’s more important aspects. We still live pretty well but I’m definitely more grateful these days and I DO NOT care the slightest bit about other’s acquisition of material things bc I KNOW the real stress behind

I can relate 110%! The idea of “cutting the cord” crosses my mind daily, technology is great but it’s current abundance is pushing the limits of human sanity especially when your little humans enter the technological abyss and we must manage our infinite number of accounts and their associated accounts (passwords

Or you can just go to your local spirits store and purchase a handle of whatever liquor you prefer and consume as much as you would like to the point of death. Yet this is perfectly legal, kills everyday and the research EXIST to support the dangers and it’s KNOWN toxicity therefore the rhetoric of keeping the public