Space Coyote

Is there a mobile version of this?

My dog is also inhuman. Big whoop.

Ending your post with a preposition. Cuckstick.

That’s my approach too, and for the same reason. I was in the greys and it’s shit. And I hate that this system discourages disagreement. Suck up to be visible! One of the things I liked about the old AV Club is that you could be the lone voice of dissent and it usually didn’t lead to a pile-on. You could rant about Won

I approve any comment I see that isn’t outright trolling. This means I often approve comments I disagree with so I would ask everyone to keep in mind that approval is not necessarily endorsement. I just recognize that it was mainly luck that I managed to get out the grays.

I typically upvote (star, whatever) most comments that respond to me or are gray users I recognize, but I do try to avoid approving the gray commenters who call me a shithead asshole cuckstick, of which there are a surprisingly large number of.

I honestly just pretend that Ghost has been at Jon’s side this entire season. He was making the rounds at Winterfell, and sneaking off between important business to go roll around in the snow. He was there at Dragonstone, and let Daenerys pet him. He went Beyond the Wall with the supergroup, and Jon warged into him to

Why does Brienne, the largest Stark ally, not simply eat the others?

I’m surprised he didn’t sign it as “King in the North”, although since he bent the knee to Daenarys it makes sense. But when he left for Dragonstone and handed control of Winterfell to Sansa, it was more of a “house-sit this place for me while I’m gone” and less of “you’re the queen in the north”. The northern lords

I guess that’s the most realistic part of thrones.

This is a really good point - and it serves as an interesting juxtaposition against the Lannisters and their completely lack of familial bonds, as they fracture further and further apart, instead of bonding further to protect the family, as Tywin always preached. Its also interesting that the break happened after

Yeah because that asshat seems to never plan to finish the book series. So while the show may be messing around with expectations from reading said books, HBO can’t wait for GRRM to decide inane baseball blogs are no longer more important than finishing source material.

OBLIGATORY “I hope someone was fired for that blunder!”

they could take a few passes at the script so the fan service doesn’t feel so wanky and contrived. nobody would say cleganebowl is fan service if it felt like it happened organically instead of the hound cutting a wrestling promo into the camera.

i tried to recommend your funny post and your other recommends disappeared :( i hope that’s just on my end. and that they eventually ungrey me and i’m not still shouting my iconoclastic television analysis into an infinite and uncaring void.

The whole “let’s go on a suicide mission to capture a wight” plot felt like something out of a completely different show. To have it lead to the game-changer of the series was a let down. Was there ever a plan for the wights getting over the wall that didn’t involve a dragon?

I was thinking something along those lines too. I haven’t read the books, but it certainly seems like Martin set out to subvert all the usual fantasy tropes, including the biggest of all—the climactic battle between good and evil. We see the white walkers at the very beginning of the show and assume they’re the sort

I’ll take a stab at answering this seriously. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the season was all fan service, but I think I can distinguish fan service from natural narrative progression. To be clear, I definitely agree that narratives have to, you know, get somewhere eventually, and I personally am so fucking

Stories ending is fan service and not at all in line with what G.R.R.M imagined.