Space Coyote

Fewer. *pours a 40 out for Stannis*

I’m in Seattle! No idea how to play D&D though.

I was feeling annoyed at the ‘fan fiction’ feel of the finale until it occurred to me that it’s LITERALLY fan fiction. Sure, GRRM gave them the major beats of the series, but these dudes are not the author and it makes sense that they are having trouble perfectly replicating his tone.

I’m probably giving the writing waaaaay too much credit, but I’m starting to regard the thesis of the series as “people are really dumb, and sometimes their stupidity has consequences, but sometimes it doesn’t so they don’t learn”. It’s frustrating as hell to watch, but it’s true to life...

Ugh, agreed. It’s not even that they couldn’t come up with something interesting for Arya to do, they couldn’t even tell a story that seemed remotely plausible.

I thought Gilly was reading one of the scrolls that Sam had transcribed?

you uber nerds are ruining it for us normal nerds.

I'm late reading the review (didn't know it was coming back!) but I just had to say that I laughed way too hard at "Hey, I bleeped your *spoiler*." I needed that this morning, thanks!

You should go take a shower. And then your mom will notice that you have a new body, but be mostly OK with it so your incest can continue.