
The only way JLo isn’t an upgrade from Taylor Swift is if you’re a complete white supremacist. She is more attractive than Tay-Tay in every possible aspect. Plus, she’s probably looking for an FWB arrangement, which suits someone like Harris/Wiles much, much better than being with a mental case like Swift.

What a catch.

That shit Leno pulled turned me against him for life. Poor Kanye was choking back tears. I doubt he ever even met the woman. What made him think he had the right to speak on what she would have thought of her son? If he did know her well, and if Kanye had shot someone or beat up an orphan, sure, tell him his mother

Best video vs best song, for a video no one can remember over a video that is still good. Kanye was right.

Same. I believe Katy Perry’s “ Don’t trust the Regina George in sheeps clothing” tweet 100%.

He made his dead mother ashamed? Really? I didn’t know he spoke to the dead! I’m going to ask him how his grandmother felt about him being such a subpar television host!

I think saying it was hateful is over exaggerating. Not an excuse, but he was drunk off his ass. Celebrities have gotten drunk and done much more horrible things and they get a pass. Kanye apologized everywhere, Jay Leno told him that he made his dead mother ashamed, and the president called his a jackass. I think

The only time I haven’t supported Kanye was when he revealed himself as a Cosby apologist but other than that, I overlook the egomania. If it were a white musician with that bravado, most people wouldn’t bat an eye. And it’s not like Kanye doesn’t have the work to backup his claims of greatness, his music is

I'm team Kanye for life.

What’s the point of your comment? Of course it’s possible, he’s the victim. It’s also possible he’s the perpetrator. It’s also possible they are both victims and both perpetrators. ...Yet, you choose to only articulate one such possibility - conveniently, the one where the woman is a lying gold digger/vindictive

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

But she talked about how her dad would do great thimgs for America!

I’m amused that these guys don’t know how women’s bathrooms work or how to use a stall in a men’s bathroom. Apparently Mr. Sabates walks into public bathrooms and immediately drops trou.

Now playing

Hell, Rihanna has fun doing impressions of herself.

Jimmy fallon is like a full-body cringe, made sentient.

I cannot fathom why you spent so much time writing his.

Props to that guy for shining the worlds brightest spotlight on this guy’s lack of professionalism without sacrificing his own.

I would not call this heroic. I would call it foolish, OctoMom-level stuff.

The term “homeschooling” often conjures up images of Christian conservatives isolating their ten children from the secular education found in public schools, teaching “traditional values” at the kitchen table.

Ha ha. Normal parents don’t homeschool. Stay at home parents do to justify their existence.