
Counterpoint: If you homeschool your kid you are not a normal parent.

I’m not sure what’s more pathetic: that Meghan Trainor likes the Cheesecake Factory, or that she’s so stupid to think that she wouldn’t be recognized at one. The Venn diagram of Meghan Trainor fans and people who like the Cheesecake Factory is a single circle.

Meghan probably asked some random black people who they’re voting for and decided to copy them; it’s worked well for her so far!

I would also add that Kim has been extraordinarily vocal about political/social causes like gun control, political participation, national and international tragedies (with clear and specific calls to action) and other important issues. As a citizen, she’s doing her part and using her profile to raise awareness and

That is hands-down the best thing I’ve read in ages.

This is what kills me. She’s the liar because people suspect she’s lying. But he is not a liar, even though he has been caught red-handed time after time. So he can grandstand about honesty and loyalty! The world is upside down, I swear.

yes, taylor is on par victimhood-wise with a murder victim. totally

wow this guy really cares a LOT about this. also, calling taylor one of the most talented women in the world seems like a *bit* of a stretch.

northie’s response:

Reductress FTW

Considering how petty Tay is gonna look lawyering up on this, I’m gonna guess they think it worth the risk.

I don’t know why I’m still shocked when when people are so unobservant as to take the time to post about something they think they are above, and trash it, showing that they aren’t above it, and outing themselves as hating themselves.

But the thing is no one knew Kim was telling the truth. Or believed her. In fact, they disbelieved her to the point Kanye was declared properly delusional and was thought to have dreamed up the entire conversation or schizophrenically convinced himself his lie was the truth.

I think the hilarity of the Taylor Swift fiasco is overshadowing the racial aspect of it. A not-insignificant part of Swift’s rise stemmed from people wanting to protect her from the black man who repeatedly victimized her. Swift doesn’t strike me as a particularly stupid person and I’m sure she’s aware of this fact.

her scripted social media house of cards is falling down

How does proving someone else is lying make one a bitch exactly?

Taylor Swift is 26. She has been very skillful when it comes to PR for her whole career. But go ahead uplift your Queen of White Feminism.

Re: your last paragraph - EXACTLY. Wow Selena and Chloe, didn’t realize the two of you were such active advocates for social justice issues *eyeroll*

She does? I guess using your White Pureness to try to lie about something that was easily provable is classy now...

YES! Girl, we all know you write songs about your exes and can easily connect the dots, and it didn’t even take the internet a DAY to figure out Bad Blood was about Katy Perry. I like some of Taylor’s music but her complete lack of self-awareness in matters like this bugs the FUCK outta me. I mean... if she did in