How about ironically, like saying, "Teh gheys"? Asking for a hipster friend.
How about ironically, like saying, "Teh gheys"? Asking for a hipster friend.
I thought CDAN was b.s.?
And she's said this about her orientation:
"I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f—king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks."
It would be great if society could stop cramming this idea down our throats that we need to play mind games and speak in tongues to interact with the opposite sex.
I think it made sense in a behavioral way... here you have a group of people who feel already oppressed by the system, in a really extreme environment of prison. When they gain power, it made sense that they used in that way, because I don't think people in their position would have thought about being nice or fair.…
Hah hah, my older sisters aren't that much older than I am, so I learned more or less when they learned and it never really grossed me out. The benefits of having sisters are many!
Let he who hasn't used an Instagram filter cast the first stone.
I WOULD QUIT EVERYTHING ELSE AND DEDICATE MY LAST BREATH TO THEIR CAMPAIGN oh god I've never been this excited about a presidential race before.
I'm against taking pictures of celebrities' kids when their parents don't want them, but these are clearly designed photo opportunities for a kid who is in his own right a celebrity. I'd be uncomfortable if it was creepy paparazzi shots of Will and Kate trying to just be normal with him and not a specific photo op.
Bite your tongue, Bubble Tape remains the ultimate symbol of cool.
It's 6 feet of bubble gum for you, not them!
Anyone who wants can be my neofriend.
From the Gothamist article:
I'm surprised and disheartened by the replies you're getting. I would imagine first and foremost that queer/bi women would be respectful enough to not bring men into the one lesbian safe space in your city. Jesus. At least make excuses for these people that might work.