
“I try to get four or five lines done as fast as possible....”

Thank you. Now I feel much better about my 3/4 filled screen. At least they are organized by doc type in nice tidy lines. ;)

I was think more along the lines of going to the beach or playing soccer, but you do yours. Although I’m not sure you will find others, Muslim or otherwise, who’d enjoy holding your hand.

YES! You’ll pry my ls rashguard out of my dead, SPF 90 covered fingers.

Plus those are CLOTHES, made from regular, not bathing suit fabric. I don’t know if there is surfing in France, but if so, are the male surfers (and white female surfers) being denied the right to wear wetsuits and rashguards?

Absolute BS. I grew up in FL - 4 blocks from ocean - and summered on Long Island Sound so am pretty familiar swimwear. 1. In this case it is an ocean; people wear wetsuits, rashguards, tee shirts etc in the ocean, we put SHIPS and GARBAGE in oceans, a bit of fabric will do no harm. 2. While pools MAY have concerns re

So true. What concerns me is that if Muslim women cannot dress as they wish (be it their own real desire or simply keep their family happy [like white Xtians never dress/act in a way to keep dad or grandma happy??]) while joining in social and athletic activities, they will stop taking part. Isolating observant

That was my thought. Like you I cover for sun protection (I’m a redhead who grew up in FL) and, along with a tub of SPF 90, a rashguard and a hat that covers half my face is normal attire.

Now if someone would just pull a big condom over his head - I’m not 100% sure, but I think his kind does need oxygen like us humans.

Yes - Yes and Yess!!! Take a look at what they have done to education if you want examples of passing half-assed legislation in an attempt to make themselves popular. That is if you can see it through the sea of fleeing teachers and whirlwind of plunging test scores.

True, can you imagine how lethal a python or anaconda/Scott cross would be?

LOL - I was wondering if those were actual real people. However, I looked at their last names (Velasquez & Murphy). As someone raised Catholic myself, I realized that it is quite likely they are Catholic pro-lifer types and thus support this jerk.

Please accept my condolences. It’s sad to watch one’s parents go downhill.

Agree. Plus they are so illogical. HIS penis was the source of the infertility problem so he should have cut it off, not his wife’s hands.

I had the same thought. I don’t have kids & don’t want to know about having them but even I grasp the basic concept of baby comes down & OUT not up & IN.

Maybe a sort of combo file - half porn and half disaster movie?

Exactly right - if a guy can’t be a professional adult then he shouldn’t have a responsible job.

A message for the JCIO from a well know US jurist.

FFS! Even here in the U.S. (where “cunt” is viewed as a much ruder insult than it is in the U.K) that would be overreacting to the judge’s comment. She didn’t leap up in court and start cursing the guy, she merely replied to his vulgarity. If the guy has any working brain cells at all (questionable) I’m sure that he

“I was told that my braless breasts could actually cause chaos.”