Trump would become illegal!!!!
Trump would become illegal!!!!
I wonder if there are any reliable studies on women who regret having their kids. I mean, you hear mother’s joke and see it on “secrets” websites, but society treats a woman saying that pretty much the same as a woman who actually abuses her kids. I bet that a majority of women how have abused their kids would still…
That’s a show that I want to see “This Friday, bouncing up to the stage, as mean but perky as ever, the ‘Aggressive Nipples’ will be appearing at Club Hampton. Opening act will be the ‘Roving Hoard’s,’ just back from their Pillage & Plunder tour”
I’m not a gyno but I am a toes only gal. I hate having manicures - they hurt, but love pedicures. Also, polish turns my naturally white finger nails yellow, even with a base coat. I just buff them for an almost as good as French, and go wild with the toes (no one notices home done touch-ups that far down).
Don’t you hate when you look back and recall people who got away with being asshats because you were young and either shy or used to be being polite to people older than you? Now you’d probably tell her something along the lines of “well if you are ignorant and don’t have the skills to take care of me don’t make it my…
Hush dear, don’t give them ideas.
I’m sure. Consider how SO many of them cannot imagine that a woman getting an abortion already has one or more children (think of the the “your mother is prolife” signs that they flap about) despite the fact that 60% of them do.
And every time he sees a flex of glitter he’ll be reminded that there is probably a dead person there as well! :)
Not fair to blame the Millennials (I’m an old Xer so no self-interest here). I don’t see them demanding everyone “reach them” I think the problem is that due to social media people get to follow their diverse interest. People my age were used to every watching Charlie’s Angels or Dallas or Happy Days on the same day,…
May I suggest having your ashes mixed with glitter and then bomb his office? That way you will haunt him for as long as he has that office.
Never heard it before, but I agree that you should fight to the death to keep it.
True, it would have been more exact if I had said that pets die from TRAVELING cargo or traveling as cargo. However, whatever way it is worded, the pets died.
True, but do you know how hard it is to scrub splattered stupid off your car? Damn sticky stuff.
Not the flights I’m on; haven’t seen them in years. Also, if someone has a severer allergy they alert the airlines in advance. My mom was on a flight with a mom whose kids was really allergic. My mother said she wasn’t going to eat anything with peanuts, the crews did a intense cleaning of the row of seats the kids…
The people who clapped are A-h0les but no one said the dog was more important than the child. However, if the dog owner had purchased a ticket for the pet or had made arrangements for a support animal while the family didn’t plan ahead for their child’s needs, why should the responsible pet owner have to get off the…
Maybe not ALL allergies, but I know at least 3 people who take some pills or get some shots in order to keep the cats in their lives. I don’t know all the meds. but one is my mother and I think it is Claritin (sp?) and something she puffs from an inhaler in the a.m. According to her just the one puff makes the…
Only animals small enough to fit in approved crates that fit under the seat. Larger animals. This is not only service or support animals, (which I think - not sure- travel free), but regular pets who need to get from point A to point B. Sadly, many pets were dying in the cargo holds so both owners and airlines prefer…
Sadly the “don’t be a jerk rule,” although one of the simplest rules, seems to be one of the least followed. :(
That, and animals were dying in cargo so, not surprisingly pet owners prefer their pet travel with them (for a fee) and arrive alive.
Some airlines don’t allow pets in the cabins. However it the the responsibility of those with allergies to find out which ones.