Alice J. Prufrock

hey neither is Barack American.

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

The best debunk of Moon Landing hoaxers I’ve ever seen is still the guy who pointed out that the hours of uninterrupted live broadcast which millions of people watched was not only impossible to film without cuts (moreso if they used slow motion to fake low grav), it couldn’t have been stored on any existing hard

“I don’t characterize [grabbing a woman by the genitals] as sexual assault. I think that’s a stretch.” - Jeff Sessions (R - AL)

I cracked the code. If I call them racist, but then immediately follow that up with a “this is all in good fun, tho, bra,” we win. We can finish the level and meet the boss and then kill him and then escape.

Okay this was pretty good dance to “The Way You Make Me Feel” but let’s face it, not as great as when Cooper Nielson drove his motorcycle on stage during the recital in Center Stage. Center Stage sets the gold standard for everything, always.

Shout out to Tricare

Stories like this make me thankful to be in the military (two surgeries, neurological illness) . About the only thing I’m thankful for.

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

That America is being taken down by a combination of celebrity worship and petulant whiteness is a pretty good argument in favor of a god who loves ironic punishments.

Good. Let this serve as a reminder that women have always, always fought. Vikings had shield maidens and Shaka Zulu had his all-female body guard. Women dressed as men to join the fight. They take up arms and become rebels and guerillas. In Russia they become bombers and tankers and snipers. In feudal Japan they

you should always say something good about the dead: she’s dead, good.

Trumpa Lumpa

As a man who considers himself a feminist, I take stance that in many ways, this isn’t my story to tell. I try to be very careful to always use “I have been told,” “my friends say,” “I read,” etc... because for me, I want to avoid the impression that I am either the first to say a particular feminist idea or that what

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

Something about this is sooooooo funny to me. It’s like having a whole crew of clueless dads following you around, not as subtle as they think they are.

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a