
I’m surprised how many people are defending Will Smith here. I’ve been married to a guy who liked to “throw hands” if someone disrespected me. It made me feel terrible and sick to my stomach any time he acted that way. I’d beg please just let it go! But no. He loved to escalate the situation.

It was a shitty joke and in very poor taste; but Will’s reaction wasn’t acceptable either. Will could have taken the mic from Chris and turned this into a teachable moment by talking about how many people suffer in silence, praised his wife for speaking publicly about her challenges and helping to de-stigmatize

Might I also present to you Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain.

Do you think that it pisses some people off that he’s been successful even though he doesn’t appear to be trying too hard? I’m not saying he doesn’t work hard, but he doesn’t seem to spend a lot of energy trying to look super polished or making sure he has social media presence or whatever. So many of us are trying

I don't understand why the writers here dump on him so much

I think her getting married in a low-profile way to a non-celeb and being pretty much out of sight for the past few years indicates she felt the backlash she got for the cool girl schtick. I wouldn’t be surprised if she stays low-key and never goes back to the full, max exposure route.

I don’t know but she really doesn’t bug me all that much. I get the snark but she just seems so inoffensive compared to so many others out there. Maybe with all that is going on right now I just can’t hate on her. Or maybe I’m just tired of all the bullshit happening. Yeah probably that. 

The American Revolution was driven primarily by the Northen merchant class and the Southern planter class. “The masses” were largely indifferent. The way this part of American history is taught in schools is much closer the myth than fact. Take the Boston Tea Party for example. It is usually taught that a group of

I know the numbers aren’t really close but... did any of these idiots ever think that maybe possibly the fact that more than 600,000 people have died (and the seven-day average of new hospitalizations is over 12,000) this past year and a half has something to do with the labor shortage? And perhaps there is a

HELLO everyone! Just popping in to let y'all know that Aaliyah's "One in a Million" album is finally on streaming services!!!!! Yes I'm very excited.

Holy shit. I don’t think they’re going to be able to make this go away. All the fawning over Trebek’s legacy as a kind, compassionate, generous man, and they want to replace him with this entitled, hateful piece of shit? That ain’t gonna fly.

Holy shit, dude. This right here is why I almost never comment anywhere online anymore.

Wow; you went from 0 to Asshole on very little fuel.

Oh. I’m not a man, but since you can’t handle criticism, I will never respond to another one of your comments ever again. Please take care.

While detractors of this decision took issue with the fact that the mandate is teaching students the wrong ideas about “exploiting” loopholes

Conservatives on this issue/the dress code: “No, not like that...

After decades of tooling on the south for sounding illiterate, while referring to everyone as you guys and dude for my entire life (I know) I’ve started using y’all and folks a lot.

I don’t for a minute believe Shaun King is biracial; you know why? a quick DNA test would shut everyone up, but he’s never taken one.  

GOOD. The planet is burning, in case y’all hadn’t noticed. We cannot afford having all those babies - as a species, not in a financial sense (at least not primarily). People are so bad at big-picture thinking they’ll ruin everything they have, transfixed by their own image and this sickening idea of needing a legacy,

I share the sentiment, but upon further reflection, there is most definitely a dollar amount that would get me onto a cruise. I don’t know what that dollar amount would be, but if anyone reading this really wants me on a cruise ship, I’m taking offers.