This terrorist only got 4 years in prison? He wasn’t pulled over by a cop and shot point blank four or five times? Huh.
This terrorist only got 4 years in prison? He wasn’t pulled over by a cop and shot point blank four or five times? Huh.
I’m going to go ahead and assume that these people have neither read nor seen a production of Julius Caesar. Spoiler Alert: “We should totally just stab Caesar!” was not Shakespeare’s message. You are confusing Shakespeare with Gretchen Weiners.
Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get…
Honestly, a garden variety Evil Republican would be a relief right about now. Trump is completely unhinged.
Jezebel please remove the video posted at the top of this article. This is literally what this guys does for a living. Posting it on here is basically paying for his defense, as every view will make him money.
His stupid hair fills me with the rage of a thousand suns.
There’s no one more intense about how a particular universe is supposed to play out than fanfiction authors, slash fiction in particular, and EL James is the most successful slash fiction author of all time, so....
Thanks, Dad.
Good Christ, how much were you paid to fart that out?
hell yes that fox could
A+ invocation of Prince John.
No, he seems to have the original two.
I have more complex sads.
Theresa May is so fucking desperate to stay in power that she’s allied herself with the DUP, a party that:
The last bit is why she didn’t entirely get owned: her deal with the DUP may make things even more terrifying. The DUP makes the Tea Party look like Joe Manchin.
May was Home Secretary under Cameron, responsible for public safety in the UK. She cut police in crucial areas, including Manchester and London during her time as Home Secretary.
It’s bloody hilarious how May walked into the exact same trap Cameron had just months after. Just lolololol.