
I was on my own, in India for work. Sob.

My birthday is November 9. Worst present ever this year.


Who would?

Ditto, ditto and ditto. Don’t go down the rabbit hole on the internet on Manson though - that’s bat country.

Helter Skelter is Bugliosi’s book.

“None of these incidents, according to the fraternity’s CEO, were in keeping with its values”

Meanwhile, in the UK where we have stong gun laws and police are not armed as a matter of course we have this:

PS Not because I was a nightmare roommate - am sure I would have been delightful. But because, y’know, other stuff. Ahem.

I am completely ancient - graduated in 1984. Thank god there weren’t camera phones and social media in my day - I’d have never got a job...

That Donner Party documentary is EXCELLENT. And eerie. I’ve bought it on DVD a couple of times to lend to people and never get it back. The Buried in Ice documentary was filmed before they discovered the Erebus and Terror but does have the excavation of some of the early casualties graves. Love the Shackleton

Me too! Did you see Buried in Ice? I think it’s on YouTube now. And there’s a fab Donner Party documentary called, naturally, American Experience: The Donner Party. Lovers of gruesome, icy death unite!

No - I just think she pads her butt and hips but not her thighs so it looks a bit odd. Not as odd as Dax’s padding but close.

I’m #TeamKatya - but wouldn’t be unhappy with Alyssa or Alaska (despite the fact that her padding is suspicious...). But have a feeling Detox will make top 3 so one of my favs is bound to get kicked out sometime soon. Probably Alyssa* - by Phi Phi because she broke their self-imposed rules. And she did perform with

“Almost never” means “sometimes is”. Don’t assume this isn’t Lupus. It’s a bitch to diagnose and once they’ve caught it the main drug for treatment is Hydroxychloroquine which has some truly splendid side effects. Having an “invisible” chronic illness is a bloody nightmare.

Here in the UK, which is obviously stuffed full of Victorian houses, there are precisely zero that look like this. But I love the US Victorians. I live in a Victorian terrace which could do with a bit of lacy frivolity.

Ahh - the ghost writer’s a former Telegraph hack. That’ll do it.

She’s self published - which means that to score an article in The Telegraph she’s got a connection with someone there.

I know. I went through shock and denial in about 10 minutes but have been stuck in the ANGER phase for about 18 hours now... Shows no sign of abating.

Oh I know that. It’s just the fact that he voted Leave on a whim and, with the vote so close, it’s these stupid bastards that swung it.