Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?
Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?
Yes. Fuck the duplicitous, fascist bastard of a cockweasle...
You’re kidding right? A Trump Presidency would be a nightmare for every damned body.
Seconded. And try When Men Become Gods by Stephen Singular - also a good overview. And while we’re on Mormons (sort of) try The Mormon Murders by by Steven Naifeh and , Gregory White Smith - really fascinating book about the Mark Hoffman case...
I didn’t but now I do. Thanks Jezebel! *stomps off in huff*
“This is the best television show I’ve ever seen, and I haven’t seen it yet. I’m on the verge of hysteria right now. I want to run out into the middle of the street screaming. I am losing it.”
It wasn’t just the eyebrows - the whole makeup looked like My First Time in Drag Realness. Wonky, heavy and ugly. She was (unintentionally) hilarious on Untucked - just couldn’t see the aesthetic (and construction quality) difference between her outfit and the others.
I have no problem with the “hate balloon” part of this description but sentient? Are you sure?
THIS. And we all know the stringent gun laws that were enacted after Sandy Hook. /sarcasm
I am also Cornish* and I approve this message
My neighbours had a baby with adult hair. It was creepy. By the time he was toddling they gave him a buzz cut so people wouldn’t stare so much*
Yes. Yes they did.
I stand corrected. *shudders*
I reckon so but they haven’t really verified it. Yet.
My thought exactly.
True - I do NOT come from a background in media (in fact I come from a family of factory workers and shop workers) and my mum used to turn the tv off when he came on because of the rumours. And this was in the 70s. Turns out what she/we/everybody heard was surprisingly accurate (although there was also a rumour that…
Depends. How rich is the goat?
My cats both died within months of each other last year. They were 18.5 and 19 years old and I’d lived with them for longer than anyone else - including my parents. HUGE void. My sympathies.
I’m 50 so an ideal age. I think the Mirena also helps prevent or delay a repeat. I can’t believe they’re reluctant to do an ablation but will recommend a hysterectomy!
I know - it’s amazing isn’t it? They gave me a load of pain meds to bring home and all I’ve taken is some ibuprofen for the throat pain (which, admittedly, was horrendous in a swallowing glass way for 3 days). Doc signed me off work for 2 weeks for post op recovery and, tbh, I could have gone in on Monday but fuck it.…