Ali H

Agreed. We're not talking about the Red Wedding here—it was some dried blood the woman didn't even notice until after she took the underwear back off. It sounds like the staff responded appropriately and that should have been the end of it.

look, as someone who worked in retail I can tell you that this happens ALL of the time. And stockrooms, at least in NYC, are disgusting. I mean, you cannot imagine just how nasty they can be.

Understandably shaken, Pauline asked to speak to a manager, who pulled her aside and gave her some hand sanitizer and a 30% off coupon. No one took her name down, no one offered to follow up with her.

Oh, you forgot to mention, the tweet that said "I've only been with like one guy" was accompanied by a picture of a cave. A fucking cave. What a perfect way to illustrate WHY women will lie about the number of partners they've had. When one has to deal with the absurd myth that more sex = stretched-out, broken

That's it in a nutshell. Domestic violence is against the law. Hitting a friend or stranger is against the law. So, why is it ok to hit a child - the smallest and most vulnerable among us? I don't care if you call it spanking, swatting,'s physical violence and it's simply not OK.

I agree. I've had to do the arm grab before or a gentle shove to get someone's attention for a safety reason. But it is never necessary to physically assault a child. There are so many other ways to impart life lessons and maintain discipline. Spanking is lazy parenting at its finest. Working through issues and

I can't think of a single reason for a spanking. A grab by the arm if the kid is trying to run into traffic? Hell yeah. But a spanking? No.

"You Were Spanked and You Think You Turned Out Just Fine"

I'm not one of those "I was spanked and I'm fine!" people, I'm one of the "I was abused and it was called spanking" people. So I don't think this bill sounds perfect, but a legal definition of spanking that takes the belts, brushes, or other weapons out of the hands of the adult sounds like a step in the right

Hi, my major is in Early Childhood development (with a concentration on Elementary and Adolescence), and I'm just going to say it: spanking is bullshit. You know why it's obviously bullshit? Because you have to keep doing it. If your kid keeps getting his or herself into trouble constantly and you keep hitting

I dont think you're understanding the point of the screen grab. Like I said, this article is great, fantastic, wonderful - I think it's perfect. What I have a problem with is in Jezebel's "related" section, there's a headline that says "This Week in Tabloids: Kim Doesn't Want Bruce in Wedding if He's Trans." THAT is


When I want to abuse my authority, I do photocopies for my son's Cub Scouts den activities at work. Why can't people do something like that instead of this nonsense?

he's right up there with the trolls that scream at me everytime I suggest to a whiny male that doesn't want to pay for child support: THEN DON'T HAVE SEX.

Yeah, shaming people for not having as much sex as you is so mature.

Here's what gets me about people like him. You don't think single poor women who struggle to makes ends meet shouldn't have kids. Fine. Then it would make sense if you were behind free adult education upgrading and training programs for these poor women (so that they don't struggle as much with additional marketable

I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to orgasm while thinking in any way about Rand Paul.