I am very pro explicit consent, but to my knowledge (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the song never has Thicke forcing or going further than just saying "I know you want it"
I am very pro explicit consent, but to my knowledge (and please correct me if I'm wrong) the song never has Thicke forcing or going further than just saying "I know you want it"
I would buy a pair of panties with a stop sign on the butt... unrelated.
I'm starting to miss 'Call me maybe' or whatever.
On a scale from completely non rapey, to super rapey, I think it's like a 4. In the context I think it's more trying to get a girl to cheat because she's interested in him, not really a trying to get her to just sleep with him. That didn't make any sense. But I agree, it's definitely over the line of appropriate, I do…
I think the lyrics do just sound rapey, and Thicke got so much media that he says shit like this to be more popular. He tried to say that it's actually empowering to women and they made the video because they got to objectify women? WTH? It's a stupid video that was made for teenage boys, let's all just accept that it…
I totally agree with you that it sounds horrible and that line is probably used by a lot of rapists.
Breathing on your neck and getting mushy graham crackers in your hair. When it's your kid it's normal and ok to have them slober on you. When it's not yours it's just gross.
I think the video was stupid, and way too....naked. But I didn't get rapey. I actually hated it less than a lot of the hip hop ass shaking/bending over stuff. God I sound old.
No matter how old the child (1-8) if I have to carry them I always try the hip thing or I carry them as far away from me as I can under their arm pits. I always think I'll drop them or someone will think I'm a child molester.
I kept hearing how horrible and rapey this song was and then I actually listened to it, I don't think it's that bad. I think Thicke is a fucking idiot, and he's getting more media coverage acting like an asshole.
I love my bra, I don't even have a huge chest, but I cannot stand not wearing a bra in public.
You gotst some anger bro.
This is going to sound sarcastic- thank you! I'm 5'2" lol. I seriously want kids someday, and I'm going to remember this.
I think we should just all take a step back and appreciate how freaking hot Jennifer Aniston is/was/will always be. I'm straight and I still wouldn't kick her out of bed.
Wet and Slimy Fungus Town just sounds like the worst porno title ever.
Jesus fucking christ. I've never heard any of those, but now I'm scared.
I don't have kids, so I don't think I have the mommy one handed balance-on-hip thing down yet lol.
Am I the only one who thinks babies/children are insanely heavy? I can't carry around a three year old very long.
I swear I was never in a stroller. My brothers and I were carried as babies, and as soon as we could walk we stayed right by my parents. Where is this legion of children who run from their parents? Can't you teach them to stay next to you or the boogyman will eat them?
Why am I the only one that thought about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?! C'mon guys!