Ali H

I don't think many women really have sex with a guy with the intent of not ruining him for the next girl. It's between two people, if the girl is fine with faking it every time, who's business is that? I'm just saying that we shouldn't judge other peoples sex lives, they have to do what works for them.

You and everyone who's commented so far on your post is awesome. I have trouble orgasming, and I'm sure a lot of other women do to. Faking it doesn't hurt anyone and it's not our responsibility to train men to give other women orgasms.

It's not anyone job to train the guy you're sleeping with before you sleep with him.

The thing women need now, one more person thinking what we do in our bedrooms is any of their business.

I've never gotten a mani or pedi, and I get my hair cut at super cuts :) But they paid themselves, so I guess priorities.

See these jurors are way better than I would be. I'd get bored and try to just fuck with them. Better to keep them bowling lol

It's understandable, there is a lot of rage surrounding this case and sometimes it's hard to figure out where to direct it. I'm just concerned this stupid article just makes women look bad. *Us delicate females can't do our civic duty without PEDIS! Jury duty is the perfect way to get pampered*

That gives me a brilliant thought, if I'm ever on a high profile jury I'm going to tell them I *need* a new vibrator stat, or I can't continue. I've always wanted to walk into a sex shop with armed sheriffs behind me, but Jez would write another biased article.

Oh geez guys, for realz? Haven't we figured out that female warriors aren't going to start 'Relationship drama' or be DTF everyone? If there's an issue it's not from women, it's from some men who can't handle themselves.

They won't pay for it, they'll just have a sheriff chaperone, which just sounds like an all around good time. Hell I'd take that for stress relief over a pedicure.

So? Do you think they would have spent more time if they didn't go bowling for like 2 hours a week before that?

This is all just hate mongering bullshit. C'mon people, if I was stuck in that situation for as long as they were I'd be crawling up the damn walls. They got to do like two things a week. That THEY paid for. Jez, give up, we're calling you on your bullshit. BTW, super loving the fine print on this article.

No one looks this happy at an Outback Steakhouse. No one.

You can stay in a decent hotel and pay for a manicure out of pocket. Oh and you can also pay for bowling. Pamper away!

'Cause everyone knows women just want manicures and trips to the mall! Silly women, a man would have come to a decision, given a hooker an orgasm and killed a bear at the same time! They don't need to eat or buy more shampoo at the local mall.

Three weeks of talking about a dead boy everyday, not being able to sleep next to your husband/wife, not getting to be with your children as much, stressing about your own life and the life that's in your hands. Yeah, three weeks is a long ass time. They paid for everything but the chaperone, I'm totally ok with it.

Given a magazine and asked to pick someone, I will always choose Patrick Stewart. Always.

I don't think most Americans know what it is, I had no idea lol. Sounds good though!

Honest to god, I have no idea. The article was too confusing for me. I think the original 'Bro choicers' were good guys, but there are people turning it into "Now we can fuck EVERYONE! and not pay child support!' but I am not sure.

Hey, I thought you were 100% against nit picking? Or are you being a smidgen hypocritical? Thank you for pointing out my auto correct fail multiple times, someday I want to be as smart as you are!