Ali H

I just said it's irresponsible. Which it is. And illegal, because it is dangerous. But thank god everyone has you to defend their rights to illegally shut down a road way. You're a savior at getting pissy on message boards and calling people out for 'hysterics'. You've single handedly ended racism with total disregard

I'm saying that if you run in front of an ambulance (like you said you'd like to) that you'd kill people if not yourself in the process. That's hysterics? I think threatening to run in front of an emergency vehicle is a little hysterical lol. Seriously, have fun. Hopefully if you ever need to call 911 an ambulance can

Well then I guess you'll be the next Zimmerman, killing innocent people for no reason.

Oh and have a nice life. Please don't jump in front of my ambulance.

Hysterics? I'm hysterical? that is a news flash to me. Congrats, look at how much the world has changed! Great protest everybody! Back to candy crush.

Maybe you aren't familiar with medicine, but a matter of minutes can be life or death, the stupidity of closing off a major road. That I have a HUGE issue with. More needless death.

Best thing I've ever read.

Oh for the love of god, what I'm talking about has nothing to do with race or politics. Blocking off a road is dangerous. Guess what? White people and black people need EMS equally. And any one or anything impeding traffic of a major road is dangerous. Right now it's super cool to start a race war or bitch about the

Because beating the crap out of one idiot fixes anything? I think the clip does more good than you think. Hopefully people watch it a realize how fucking stupid racism looks.

I was going to comment on how amazing Howard was too. But dude, these guys are all idiots, they aren't representative of the the general population.

I think that's great, but probably not everyone is as nice as you guys were. Also depending on the district the ambulance driver has to make the call to try to go down that road or take an alternate path. I just really with they'd do something that made it safe.

It's a safety issue. There are ambulances trying to get patients, people trying to get to work. It's not like the roads were carefully closed for this. I'm sorry, if it takes even an extra five minutes for an emergency crew to reach a patient it's not worth it. Trayvon died for no reason, why put more innocent lives

If the system is corrupt as you say, what is a dangerous march around going to do? Yes, it will give them exposure. But it's more along the lines of "these assholes made the ambulance late" or "great I can't get into work"

They were blocking off a major road, that is illegal.

ok.... yeah I'm telling black people not to protest. Because all the people protesting are black? And yelling with signs is going change the racist system more than a thoughtful concise argument or letter? Both of which can be anonymous?

Anytime you have to put /sarcasm at the end of a statement means it was profound.

I mean the emergency crews trying to get from point A to point B. The people trying to get to work. There should be protests, but one boy already died for no reason, don't make more senseless deaths because you guys wanted to march on a major roadway.

I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but they're doing something ILLEGAL and dangerous. I'm sorry, they should ask really nicely a few times for them to stop but after that... Say if you got caught speeding and you didn't pull over for the cop, you're acting dangerously and knowingly commiting an illegal act.

They do know that they're just giving the LAPD overtime hours right?

All of these protesters are going to be at home in two weeks playing candy crush. Trayvon who? Write a congressman, do something useful, blocking traffic and creating issues doesn't help.