Ali H

Can I just point out all the 'wahhhh wahhh poor little white people, they don't have any problems and shit sunshine wahhh' comments? We get told to get over it when people are racist to us, but other people get to pull the race card and complain? No, that's not the way it works. Racism is wrong, whether it's white,

So to clear this up, a latino male shot a black male, and everything the fault of white women? OH, ok, makes total sense.

This white woman thinks you should go play in traffic. That has nothing to do with race though.

Hey, did you notice that calling all white women racist.... is racist in itself? OR does it not count if it's against white people?

but...but.... then no one would get to make horrible comments about what stupid bitches white women are and how we hate black men....

Dude, cereal? You're off your damn rocker.

Yes, white women don't care about black babies. You caught us.

I completely agree. But racism is never acceptable. In the court case or on these boards.

On behalf of all white people I apologize for how horrible you life has been..... oh wait, I don't. Take your racist 'The world owes me everything because I'm NOT white" Bullshit elsewhere.

Seriously, racism doesn't look good on anyone.

Yes, I'm a white woman and I do that ALL the time! I also always wear stilletos and we're all bitches. Thank you for outing us. Would you say that same thing if you replaced 'white' with any other race?

Amen! I have a chronic neurological disease and so many people think they get to tell me that if I stop eating gluten or run every day it'll go away. Fuck them. So hard.