
The guy behind the wheel is an idiot, pure and simple. Totally pointless in arguing with the LEOs in this situation. The LEOs are just doing their job and do not make the laws. The idiot behind the wheel quickly escalated the situation by being uncooperative in a big way. Just show the LEOs what they need to see

Richard Burns Rally (RBR). This is by far the best off-road racing game I've ever played. Realistic physics, lots of community support, good graphics, good sound effects, and the thrill of getting a long stage right! I've played the other rally games, and always went back to this one.

First, I'm a cyclist. Second, I NEVER ride on the road any longer (head on with a 16 year old on her cell phone in mommy's F-body. Was not pretty.). Anyway, I have to say, whistling does help! I was (really, I was) riding along a major road in town in the bike lane when a guy and his buddy in a new Volvo made a

I'm a LONG time cyclist, so I've been here. Except, I just ride away every single time, not giving people like this the time of day. They are unreasonable narcissists and are incapable of acting maturely. The care driver is not worth the dirt he's standing on. (This comment assumes the cyclists did nothing wrong.

I bought a 1979 Ford Pinto as my first car in 1986. Hey, I lived one mile up a dirt road, so the little thing could drift like a son-of-a-gun. However, cool it was not! So, I saved my work money and found an MGB-GT for sale. I went and test drove it, fully aware that I'd be working on it at some point. However,

This happened to me about 12 years ago. 16 year old girl on her cell around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road. Thank goodness it was an older Comaro and wedge shaped. I put a hole in the front bumper, took off the driver mirror, blew out the windshield, dented the A pillar, and flipped the rest of the

I remember the last one! I took my MC drivers test here in California back in 1986. I also remember another DUMB question on that specific test (which, thank God, I've never had to take again and I STILL have my MC license). The question was:

I have an '86 my wife helped me buy about 12 years ago. It's VERY reliable and I've driven it to Reno and back several times (I live on the coast). The article is spot on and it's absolutely the best car I've driven for so many reasons. Yes, a modern V6 Camry is just about as fast now-days, but who cares! I find

Other than safety features I think I'm done buying new cars. I have a '86 911 and I've driven every iteration of the 911 after mine. I still prefer mine. It's a machine you have to know, love and respect, not a video game with a reset button.

Not quite. If I remember, the CLR was a product of really bad aero rules. Mercedes wasn't the only car to suffer the exact same crash scenario (Porsche did as well). There here HUGE complaints from drivers and teams about it and it took several teams, including MB, to leave the series until the ACO (?) changed the

Other exciting features on the MMX include the ability to receive a full battery charge in less than a minute and to operate while submerged a meter under water. As it's a motorcycle, it's more maneuverable around potential IEDs than other vehicles.

Really cool looking car, for sure. Way ahead of it's time. My parents bought one on the late 1970s. I was just getting in to cars. We were all able to admire it as it sat in the driveway, day after day, not running at all. We got to know the tow-truck driver on a first name basis (in fact, he's STILL a family

When Senna won Brazil for the first time, then passed out. Months before I was watching F1 with some friends. The station asked "What could we do to liven up the broadcast?" We sent in a letter asking to have the driver's heart rate monitored during the event. To my astonishment, our request was granted, AND on

From what I understand the vertical fin is mandated. About 7 years ago there was an extensive study conducted which looked at the aerodynamics of a car traveling at 200+ mph SIDEWAYS! Before the vertical fin the cars actually generated LIFT at certain slip angles and speed. The vertical fin is designed to slow the

I have a 1986 Porsche 911 I bought for $19k ten years ago.  Every once in a while some asks me if I'm rich (usually some teenager driving a Honda Civic SI).  I ask him how much he paid for his Civic.  "$27k" is usually the answer.  "Well," I reply, "that's about $8k more than what I paid for this."  Their jaws usually

Are you kidding? This would be a KILLER autocross car, or even a cheap track car. Slap some racing stripes on there and a huge Wally-world rear wing and call it a day.

My mother-in-law had one of these. When she left the country she left it for us to sell for her. Took me three months to find the parts to fix it, then I did the work myself. The repairs still cost almost as much as we got for selling it. Really neat SUVs, but man are they a pile of steaming dung.

My neighbors kid, then 17, kept saying his Ford Tempo was "fast as hell." "I've opened up the exhaust (which I think meant that the muffler's hole was simply not patched), put a K&N cold air intake on it, and I've lowered it (again, I think the sagging springs were simply not replaced). He also claimed his car could

My parents bought a brand new Fuego when I was a kid. To this day it remains the largest pile of dung I've EVER experienced. From the lot one had to lift the drivers door up, then out to get it to open. Fit and finish were terrible. I'd take the 4.

This car is NOT forgotten. I remember when it came out and how wonderful it was (and still is). I live in Santa Cruz, California, and we have the pleasure of being able to go to the Canepa Car Museum. At one point an EB110 Supersport was there (I believe it was even Mr. Schumachers!). The car dis not disappoint in