
Is it me, or is the Grand Tour just not right? I cannot quite put my finger on it, but it’s not really good. Clarkson’s pants falling off while getting our the chopper during episode two was just plain stupid. I turned it off. I was struggling to really like it anyway, and that was enough to put me over the edge.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

I was on one of the first planes out of SFO two weeks after 9/11. I asked the airline attendant why she was not scared. She told me it’s because we now all realize we’re a team up here. “If someone tries to break in to the cockpit or give me any $%#@ I know I have 200 people backing me up now. It wasn’t like that

WTF? He crosses into oncoming traffic and then stops in front of her, and barely gets touched!

That we, in our free time, want to fix and/or modify your car for free. Usually this happens while you hang out in my garage, touch everything, and spew car diarrhea from your mouth that is incredibly inaccurate. Your cousins exboyfriend did not have a mint 9-sec Fox Body, ever. I would have known about him and the

The “so he blocked his ass in” instead of just getting out of the way and getting the moron out of his life is where you lose me. Why the fuck would you want to hang out around a drunk and aggressive driver for longer than you have to? Especially near a fucking big rig.

Pickup truck driver being a jerk. Camaro driver being an even bigger jerk. Truck driver just doing his job.