
There are incredible stories from WWII that beg for a cinematic masterpiece, both heroic and horrifyng. No surprise Hollywood looks back so often to that mine of ideas.

It is essential that more people understand the incredible legacy WWII still have in today's political situation in Russia and Eastern Europe. No wonder the Russians are so defensive: they still have imbueded into their subconcious the horrors of the war and the Stalinist dictatorship.

Not totally if they are still rearing their boldened head. Is necesary another conflict when, after winning, a process akin to denazification would take place.

Life is meaningless, unless other persons give meaning to each other's lifes. So there is no point going on if there is no meaning: we are irrelevant for the Universe, but not for people who care in the present.

That comment have many more votes.

To be fair, those jokes were good. Maybe trying to teach the President how to properly use Twitter?

No, it is working properly. However normally the food in the market are already a couple of days unrefrigerated while it is sold, so its shelf-life is even shorter.

That's the problem with eating fresh: I can only go to the grocery store at weekends, and fruits and vegetables are rotteing by Thursday in the fridge. I fear the Friday's and Saturday morning's meals.

What does Harry Potter mean to you?
They are some fine books. Great page-turners.

No, sólo afecta a intereses tan nefastos como los que tenía Gawker.

I think it is hilarious. The perfect mix would be playing "Murica Mario" while blasting "America Fuck Yeah".
But seriously, it is a reference to a Mario outfit in an old golf Game Boy game.

Speedy Gonzales IS massively popular this side of the river. Why not? He is awesome. And we could be very lazy, but I don't know where they got the sleepy part.

As a Mexican, I cannot be more happy to see a Mexican-inspired Super Mario stage. I really don't get why the Americans are so easily offended.

Just pardon him and leave him to do more art.

Why is Perry trying to be the child of Bieber and crazy-Hannah Montana?


Sgt Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band. The Beatles. The greatest music masterpiece of the last 50 years.
Today is its anniversary. Still as brilliant, necesary, influyent and magnific today as half a century ago.

You either are willing to do the real thing for the greater good or just try to appear edgy. Either way, it was a mistake and she deserved the scorn.

I miss these beers (and alcohol in general) very much. Id' say that the best pale is Modelo Especial, and the best dark is Negra Modelo. They are the most complex of each block, if I remember well.

Nice argument. I'd reply with evidence that Lars has been a pointless and useless character since day one. At least is fun to watch Ronaldo being punished for being himself.