
Geez, glad that Lars finally died. My only reservation is that he should have gone more painfully, altough he ded went out with some dignity. Now get ride of Amethyst and now you will have only the good characters in Steven Universe

They already did it with a different finale.

Too soon mate

Well, the world works like that, there is no reason to feel gulty about how horrible humanity can be.

Some liberals hate her too for not being "political" or not using her influence to children to advance a progressist agenda

In the end their bear responsability for being the inspiration to do these attacks. So in a way, it is legitimate that they can claim credit.

The Us was pretty happy when the Islamist militias where figthing against the USSR in Afghanistan or oposing the secularist nasserism in Egypt and middle east. As long as they are targeting US enemies, they do not give a damn.

Again the hate strikes again. It does not matter the bast taste in music of the concertgoers, no one should died in this pointless and horrible way for a political-religious petty reason.

You're gonna carry that weight.

Unfortunately, that's irrelevant because PRI regained power after two mediocre PAN administrations and now we are the third worst country for journalists and the second one in homicides. All that because Fox was unwilling to broke the traditional feudal power estructures. In fact, he enforced them.

Fox is as bad as Trump, if he is your heroe for just "insulting" your President, your standards are very low. Specially since Fox was trully the first celebrity President in North America.

I disagree, the SJW movement is one of the reasons Trump won: the american people saw through the hyprocrisy and self-righteousness of their narrative. Their false and regressive concept of equailty and justice is doing harm to real progressive movements from the true left. If Trump is a price for the complete

Sorry, I meant MABA (Mexicanos Anti Burritos Americanos)

Thanks for proving my point. ¡Que viva México!

The people who elect the Electro-oral College. Anyone who can't win a landslide against Trump, is a very very very bad politician with a message that can't resonate with the American people. Altough you do have a point, this is not over, I hope the left can regain its good senses and stop this priviledged and

It evolved, like most movements do. The french revolution started as a protest for bread, the american revolution started as a tax revolt, and so on. Frickin' MAVA!

We won because the people (who matered) rejected Clinton's SJW narrative. She did not convinced enough people with those fallacies. Now that you Americans will suffer like you made suffer other countries, maybe you will start to look for worthy fights, not just first world problems.

I doubt it is enterily made in South Korea, but if it is, congrats chap, you are good person :) Altough the materials may come from slave mines in Africa. Unfortunately, this world is this dark and unfair.

You are right, we are straying too much from the point. Conclusion: read "Ehécatl" instead of "Lord of the Rings" if you want to read (bad) fantasy with people of your own race. Thanks for not being a SJW prick.

Sí en serio, ¿crees que a todos esos SWJ hijos de papi en sus lujosas vans con sus comidas veganas aseguradas les importa verdaderamente sus "causas" de primer mundo? Aquí acaban de asesinar a un periodista en plena luz del día por atreverse a denunciar narcos, mientras tanto ¿la raza en EU está llorando porque no ven