
So they are really trying segregation again?

Ya deja de inhalar activo shavo, se te morirán las pocas neuronas que te quedan.

Thanks for proving my point :)

In the end, GG is like feminism, with many agendas sometimes contradictioning each other. That's bad, but it is unavoidable because GG is not an ideology. The broadest meaning that have a large consensus is that GG is about showing the hypocrisy and damage that "internet priviledged progressive" narrative is doing to

Super Aryan Hitler is the most overpowered character in DB ever.

Well, if you do not like a scene, why don't you made your own? Altough is won't be a good just because it is more "diverse".

There were very ignominous things made in the name of GG, but those were fringes of the movement, like the WP church is relative to the rest of Christianity, or the anarchyst to the left. You do not stop using your phone just because is made under quasi-slave labor in China, do you?

The Aztecs never had dragons. If you are refering to Quetzalcoatl, he was a feathered snake, god of wisdom.

In the end, we GamerGaters won the debate. It was proved the hypocrisy of the privileged SJW of all races and genders who are convinced of the purity and sanctity of their own ideas while condemning the heresy of any deviation to the dogma, even by just one milimeter. It looks like some people are still hanging in the

Lars really need to die, sometimes he is even worse than Ronaldo (no easy feat). I'd wish Topaz would've destroyed him, or at least to send him to the Zoo without Steven.

Another Lars episode. I'd wish the bulking Topaz gem would've destroyed him with extreme prejudice instead of taking away with Blue Diamond along Steven. Jeez, Lars is so despicable, only Ronaldo is worse than him. Also, good that Steven is sure about her mother hipocrisy.

Altough is not surprising the Mexico news. Two days ago they shot and killed a man for defending her girlfriend from catcalling in Iztapalapa, in broad daylight. It made the national news because the specially odious circumstances. Meanwhile about 50 hundred persons were killed in the same day without so much noise.

I'd say both. For the record, Mexican living in Mexico are far less easily offended than other nationalities. Sure, you can still offend a Mexican while mocking him or his culture, but Speedy and his friends (even that slow fella) are presented as heroes stiking it to the Cat.

So no Mexican can have a good English spelling? Great, like Allen said "We are bigots, but from the left"

I do agree that was even better.

Asshole for liking a little joke. You must be a wonderful person to being with.

So we Mexicans are assholes right? Some of us think the tweet is hilarious.

What? Slowpoke was the best. Slow in his legs, but fast in his cabeza.

As a Mexican, that tweet was hilarious. Most of us love Speedy Gonzales and some of us like to drink the equivalent of a sacue bottle in our carnitas tacos.

Good for you and congrats. Really, enjoy it.