
Still stalinist communist wanted to overthrow the present economic system by any means necessary. The white supremacist say they would ship all us to Mexico pacefully if they could, but they will apply violence if necesary, same method as the class elimination from the stalinists. Horsehoe effect.

Well this is great news for LATAM, now that they are embroiled in a soft civil war they now know what they have done to many 3rd world countries in their own. Fair punishemnt for the 20 Century Empire and fitting end for it. Of course the US won't crumble, but their hegemony over the world is starting to end.

Congrats for being so priviledged. In west LA and parts of El Paso there is a low-level war among mexicans. Lost a few cousins for that. I can understand Trump and his cadre when they use the worst of them, and as a Mexican I can't even be against that because in the end is truth. Worse, they kill each other for

Colbert is such an amazing host for interviews, any politician, technocrat or businessman would be roasted and being forced to be accountable. Now I want to see a Frost/Nixon situation.

You lost me at "Rick is Trump". What a way to put your head into your ass.

That's systematic opression for you. Everything before Lena Dunham must be studied as a case for oppression against anything not-white. And then forgotten in the trash bin of history, to start anew in a fairer world, including media.

It is a shame. However, if the first nine or ten seasons were so superb, I do not see necesarily as a demerit. Even then, I doubt a female-only writting team can save present-day Simpsons.

He is Bill Fucking Murray, he is Fucking God.

"Wincest is coming" Democrats, 2018.

Many of us are sad and alone, only ocupying oxygen and space. We must carry on or die, but no other persons cares which we choose.

I did not mind Johanson as the Major. Certainly the original Major Kusanagi does not seem like a Japanese or Asian person (like 80% of all Anime characters). My issue with the movie is the oversimplification of its plot and themes.

Social Justice Warrior is an old term, but it is true despicable people like this still exist. They are an embarrasement to themselves and the left in the best case. Patronizing people and defending abstract ideology with their iphones, while enjoying their priviledged position of power and money.

It is sheer cruelty, based on knowing a life's destiny is in your hands. Pathetic. At least if they consume the animal, the hunting can be justified.

Never accept a hug from a bronie. You get space AIDS.

I am a little dissapointed LBJ is not played again by superb Bryan Cranston, but Woody is a top-notch name too. I look forward this movie. Maybe it can be used to redeem a liitle more Johnson, first troll president.

What? Check out again the Sistine Chapel. As a Mexican, I can say Rivera was good, bot not god-tier.

We Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales because he is awesome and it represents well the old-timey Mexican way.

As a Mexican, I think is hilarious hearing and watching Blublebee Man both in English and Spanish dubs. "Ay mi Chihuahua!"

So, it is "Foodfight" in a smartphone. Minus the ultra-sexy latin girl.

I love Rick and Morty take on existensialism: life has not an inherent meaning: the others give us a meaning. Therefore, search for valuable persons to give you meaning, also be generous and give meaning to others, The rest of us can just die in our irrelevance.