
@Joe: I should have responded here (I gave a few examples above).

It's a cultural thing. In many countries (ie Spain), if you show up exactly on time to informal meetings (ie not a business meeting) it's considered rude. Hence my spanish friends tend to be late.

@adam33777: that really depends on the plant in question. I agree that strong and resilient climbers (english ivy, for example) will wreck anything they climb up, but I think that in this case they want you to use less aggressive vines (like tomato) that won't latch to your building from the trellis.

@noizynet: Holy carp, that's amazing. by X2 I meant the 2 GPU's on one card setup that some ATI cards have, not that. I did not know that existed.

@noizynet: I think all the 6-monitor eyefinity setups come from either the X2 cards or 2 crossfired cards.

@helloxjed: That's why he has the desk lamps that he can swing up and over his monitors if he needs to do desk work.

@CarsonW: True, but while i always aim for the exit row if possible (and only manage to get one about once every 5 flights or so), i can't afford the 100's of dollars to upgrade to a better class.

@dlinkwit27: I'm not sure about your math (not a criticism, I can't see where you went wrong), but according to this article:

@filkie: Not sure about the renting laws, but the restrictions applied by my housing (also a UK student here) mean no nailing anything to the walls, no bluetacking anything to the walls, no affixing anything to the walls at all, no modifying furniture, no adding/removing furniture, etc.

@purplegreendave: Either a totally ephemeral space that you can clean up when necessary (ie shelf that folds down over the bed) or working somewhere else, I guess.

@jupigare: I'm also a student in the UK, and we're stuck with the furniture we're given. That doesn't mean that I won't try and sneak in a few more shelves....

3 cheers for the awesomeness that is the UK 13A socket!

A lot of people seem to be making the "I paid for it and it's designed for it" argument for reclining seats. But airlines don't work like that- just because you "can" do something doesn't mean you physically can. Think carry-on luggage. If everybody brought along a maximum-size bag, they could fit maybe 3/4 of them in

@jeffdeville1: I can definitely recommend a netbook there. My Eee Pc just fits under a reclining person's chair, which is especially satisfying if my neighbor's expensive-ass Dell or Macbook just got knocked off their tray.

@onlysublime: while I'm not arguing that using these things isn't particularly nice, please remember that being tall isn't something that you can solve by "losing weight" or any other method short of chopping off bits of your body. What's the difference between someone who needs some extra care/space because they're

"you've got a dvorak keyboard? dyou mind turning your back while i fire up your browser, look up an image of a qwerty keyboard, spend 2 minutes figuring out my password, just to log into my lifehacker account to post a silly fake quote on an article concerning passwords?"

I always laugh at these things. this is why:

I am currently having immense difficulty deciphering Pirate....but so fun.