
one of the mailing lists i'm on is talking about having a live 13A plug (this is the UK), ie a male-to-male power cable. Must be the most nerdy hoax ever.

@psychiccheese: And then he meets a Dvorak keyboard and has no idea what his password is...

I do almost all of my cable management with binder clips; 2 massive ones clamped to back of my desk redirect all cables to drop down at a single leg (no sheet of cables behind my desk), and 1 more on the desk clamped to a rack-mount point of my EQ holding USB/3.5mm cables from falling back. Best tip ever.

@jarnx: I do this as well, or at least i used to with XP. super-useful. I always found it funny that people would get special apps for this kind of thing while the functionality was built right into windows. same with scheduled tasks.

"limited space"

I love the example given.

@danielkza: I was just about to say the same thing. Much as I love Winamp, it would be nicer if it integrated betting into the Windows shell. even when Win-tabbing it shows up as tiny.

Wow. Absolutely stunning. Good work on that. Also yay to building speakers!

I....I think I'm in love.

I love this one. absolutely brilliant. I must do that once i get my own space.

not to be a totally one-upping asshole (this is a very nicely-laid out workspace, and i do love the power strip), but is about twice as big as the deskspace I am given by my college, and I'm not allowed to bring in my own furniture. When you're stacking your monitor on top of an amp and an equalizer and have to set up


@Marand: Is it not? My mistake, how does it gather the necessary information then?

Might want to add a note that in certain areas ie many university networks, portscans are forbidden or frowned upon. do check your local regulations first. #security

I gotta say, I like this workspace, but this really isn't that limited a space; I'm a student so my home theatre is my gaming rig is my workspace is on my desk. So i have a monitor sitting on an amplifier sitting on an equalizer. all this on a desk maybe 2.5=4 feet.

@Snorbalp: A Velvet Underground poster and mood lighting, it you want to be super-cliche. #workspaces

@Sporker: Some of us actually have to do work :P

@Darklighter: Very true, hadn't thought of that. i suppose you could use rubber shock absorbers (like those used for professional turn tables) to solve that.