
It's not a very classy way to drink it, sure, but it doesn't affect the taste... Also you can add ice to it, or stick it in the freezer to get it nice and cold.

Gin and Tonic in a water bottle - tastier and easier.

Actually these posts are some of the few that I read regularly. I don't comment because I have nothing to say (except when I have to say that I have nothing to say even though I read them). Lack of commenters does not necessarily mean lack of readers.

Also this approach doesn't make it seem like I think I'm better than them (which people can easily take offense to); I just act a little absorbed with the problem, go "well this is how I'd solve this", point out merits of both approaches (even if it's just "your way seems easier/more natural/more satisfying, my way is

I actually find that, say if somebody has done something is a rather silly way, I just outline how I would have done it and what effects that would have without even bothering to mention that what they did was damn silly, usually adding something along the lines of "that works for me" at the end. That way they can see

Ditto; I'm dutch, I've had what I call dutch pancakes (pannekoeken) which are more akin to crepes in shape (ie big and flat), and I've had poffertjes, which are smaller than this and just made in a pan with medium-sized round dips...

One issue with the date is that Fiji, as a tropical island, does not experience seasons like we do in more temperate climates, which means that things like vegetation, which might be a good indicator of time in, say, the northern US, can stay unchanged for much longer, so I would hesitate to put too high a degree on

Pretty easy:

For certain cocktails (or even just liqueurs drunk neat), I put the glasses in the fridge first. It doesn't do a huge amount (there's no latent heat of freezing/melting involved), but it cools the drink as it moves over the rim of the glass.

I don't pirate video games, because it's pretty easy to see the effect of video game piracy on the industry. A few years back a lot of big titles stopped coming out for PC and were only released on console, or released with a huge delay for PC. With games, there is a much smaller gap between the publisher and the

Okay, so I'm a bit late to the party...still lots of fun!

@aw3str1k3r: as far as I can tell, it doesn't "expect" anything. It bases its move on past experiences, so I presume that the trend you've spotted exists because that's how people usually play.

@tuckertuck: clever, but the AI will learn your trick eventually since (if it is written sensibly), every game it plays should be stored for future reference. If lots of people play that tactic, it'll become useless. No "winning combination" will stay that way for long.

I gotta say, I disapprove of all the people making a deal out of the fact that he's a soldier, and also the headline of this post. You would think that a community of gamers would know better than to attribute someone's violent behavior to a group they belong to.

Or just paint the bottom of your pool black.

I find that tip 2 is really the most important here - If everything has a place where it lives (and not just a corner of desk or something, unless it's a permanent fixture), cleaning up your desk and keeping it tidy becomes super-easy.

@MegaShark: Good point - while I think that this guy should definitely pay for what he did, community service might be a better punishment for a non-violent crime. a LOT of community service for this though.

From original article:

@Joe: You're right - I think that there are probably very few places where being late for a business meeting is considered acceptable. I haven't been able to read the article at all, so I don't know what it addresses.